
Certeza y Posibilidad - Possibility

Descubra cómo modismos en inglés como "lee las hojas de té" y "el cielo es el límite" se relacionan con las posibilidades en inglés.




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English idioms related to Certainty & Possibility
ten to one

extremely likely

muy probablemente

muy probablemente

the sky is the limit

used to say that there is nothing to prevent someone or something from achieving success

todo es posible

todo es posible

while the getting is good

before the opportunity to do or achieve something passes

to come one's way

(of something good) to happen or become available to one

to be in the air

to get the feeling that something is about to happen

if worst comes to worst

used for saying if the worst possible or most difficult thing happens

en el peor de los casos

en el peor de los casos

storm is brewing

used to say that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen

when push come to shove

used when a situation reaches a critical point and one must take action in order to deal with it

cuando las papas queman, cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles

cuando las papas queman, cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles

to stand a chance

to have a likelihood of success or achieving a desired outcome

tener posibilidad

tener posibilidad

to read the tea leaves

to be able to say or estimate what is about to happen in the future

on paper

theoretically rather than practically

cloud on the horizon

something that will be troublesome or problematic in the near future

avecinarse problemas, avecinarse tormenta

avecinarse problemas, avecinarse tormenta

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