
Certeza y Posibilidad - Imposibilidad

Explore modismos en inglés que se relacionan con la imposibilidad, incluidos "pie in the sky" y "cry for the moon".




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English idioms related to Certainty & Possibility
not in a million years

used to say that the chances of something happening or being true are very slim

Nunca pasará

Nunca pasará

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a snowball's chance in hell

the slightest chance of something happening or being true

casi imposible

casi imposible

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a trip to the sun

something that seems impossible to occur



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for love or money

used to refer to something that cannot be done or obtained in any way

de ninguna manera

de ninguna manera

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pie in the sky

something that is very good or desirable but highly unlikely to happen or be real

solo una ilusión

solo una ilusión

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by any stretch (of the imagination)

used to refer to something that is impossible or is extremely hard to imagine or obtain

de ninguna manera

de ninguna manera

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no way

used to emphasize that under no circumstances would one do something or something would happen

ninguna manera

ninguna manera

the ship has (long) sailed

used to say that an offer or possibility is not renewable or available any more

no puedes retroceder el tiempo

no puedes retroceder el tiempo

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to ill afford sth

to be unable to do or finish something without being harmed or suffering its consequences

algo que tiene graves consecuencias

algo que tiene graves consecuencias

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point of no return

the time when it becomes impossible for one to return to a previous place or state or to make a different decision

decisión que no se puede revertir

decisión que no se puede revertir

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out of the question

not allowed or possible

fuera de discusión

fuera de discusión

when chickens have teeth

said to mean that it is impossible for something to ever happen

Nunca pasará

Nunca pasará

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when hell freezes over

used to express disbelief in something happening

cuando el infierno se congela

cuando el infierno se congela

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cold day in hell

used for saying that it is completely unlikely that something ever happens



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when two Sundays meet

used to say that one thinks that something will never happen



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over one's dead body

used to show that one will do whatever one can to stop something from happening

de ninguna manera

de ninguna manera

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to cry for the moon

to desire what cannot be achieved

off the table

(of a proposal, topic, or offer) unavailable or incapable of being considered

castle in the air

a hope or wish that cannot be realized or fulfilled

deseo improbable

deseo improbable

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used to emphasize that something is completely impossible or prohibited



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