Opinión - Desacuerdo o desaprobación
Explore modismos en inglés sobre desacuerdo o desaprobación con ejemplos como "cross Swords" y "hue and cry".
Tarjetas de memoria
used to say that one has no chance in achieving success or is out of luck when trying to do something

sin suerte, ni hablar

used to politely express disagreement with what has just been stated

siento tener que discrepar, siento tener que diferir
used to politely express complete disagreement

con todos los respetos, con el debido respeto
used to say that each person has their unique set of preferences and ideologies
to define a limit concerning what action or thing one refuses to do or tolerate
used as a firm refusal to something, particularly to someone's request

¡Nada de eso!, ¡De ninguna manera!

to talk or act differently because of a change in opinion, behavior, or attitude, especially one that happens abruptly

cambiar de idea
a subject or issue over which people disagree and therefore no progress can be made
