
Opinión - Crítica

Domina los modismos en inglés relacionados con las críticas, como "estar en el lado receptor" y "tirar agua fría".




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English idioms related to Opinion
a flea in one's ear

a sharp expression of one's disapproval or criticism of someone as a result of their action or behavior

dura crítica o castigo

dura crítica o castigo

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to have a go

to criticize someone severely because of what they said or did

criticar severamente a alguien

criticar severamente a alguien

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to read sb the riot act

to angrily warn or threaten someone so that they will not make the same mistake

amenazar o reprender a alguien

amenazar o reprender a alguien

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to rake sb/sth over the coals

to severely criticize someone because of their mistake

rastrillar a alguien o algo sobre las brasas

rastrillar a alguien o algo sobre las brasas

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to drag sb/sth over the coals

to subject someone to severe criticism

criticar severamente a alguien

criticar severamente a alguien

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let sb have it

to violently criticize or punish a person over what they did or said

criticar sin piedad a alguien

criticar sin piedad a alguien

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to whale on sb/sth

to strongly criticize someone or something for something bad that has happened

criticar violentamente a alguien

criticar violentamente a alguien

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water off a duck's back

(of criticisms or warnings) failing to have any effect on a person

completamente ineficaz

completamente ineficaz

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in the firing line

likely to receive much criticism

muy cerca de ser criticado

muy cerca de ser criticado

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be on the receiving end

to experience the effects or consequences of actions, often from others

afrontar las consecuencias de las propias acciones

afrontar las consecuencias de las propias acciones

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in full cry

used to refer to the act of doing something with a lot of energy and excitement

con gran energía o emoción

con gran energía o emoción

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to throw cold water on sth

to demotivate a person by talking negatively about their plans or opinions

desmotivar o desalentar a alguien

desmotivar o desalentar a alguien

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the pot calling the kettle black

used when someone is criticizing another for a fault that they have as well

cuando criticas a alguien por el defecto que tu también posees

cuando criticas a alguien por el defecto que tu también posees

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to take a beating

to face strong negative feedback or verbal abuse

cuando alguien es fuertemente criticado

cuando alguien es fuertemente criticado

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