
خوردن، نوشیدن و سرو غذا - انواع وعده های غذایی

در اینجا با چند کلمه انگلیسی مرتبط با انواع غذاها مانند "potluck"، "iftar" و "banquet" آشنا می شوید.






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شروع یادگیری
Words Related to Eating, Drinking, and Serving

the first meal we have in the early hours of the day



second breakfast

a meal that is eaten after the regular breakfast, typically as a mid-morning snack or additional meal

*صبحانه دوم

*صبحانه دوم

full breakfast

a substantial and hearty meal traditionally eaten in the morning

*صبحانه کامل

*صبحانه کامل

midnight breakfast

a meal that is consumed during the late-night hours, typically after midnight

*صبحانه نصف‌شب

*صبحانه نصف‌شب

instant breakfast

a type of breakfast food or beverage that is designed to be quickly and easily prepared, often in a powdered or liquid form

*صبحانه آماده

*صبحانه آماده

champagne breakfast

a meal that includes champagne or other sparkling wine, often consumed in the morning or as part of a celebratory occasion

*صبحانه همراه با شامپاین

*صبحانه همراه با شامپاین


a light midday meal, typically lunch




a meal served late in the morning, as a combination of breakfast and lunch




a light refreshment or snack, typically enjoyed around 11 a.m., often consisting of tea or coffee accompanied by biscuits, pastries, or similar small treats




a meal we eat in the middle of the day



packed lunch

the food such as fruit, sandwiches, etc. taken to work or school

(ناهار، میوه و...) بسته‌بندی‌شده (برای بردن به مدرسه و...)

(ناهار، میوه و...) بسته‌بندی‌شده (برای بردن به مدرسه و...)

meal deal

a promotional offer or package from a restaurant, cafe, or food establishment that includes a combination of food items or dishes

*پکیج غذایی

*پکیج غذایی


a light meal with tea including sandwiches and pastries, traditionally served in the afternoon

*چای ساعت پنج

*چای ساعت پنج

afternoon tea

a small meal that consists of cakes and tea, eaten in the afternoon

عصرانه (خوراک)

عصرانه (خوراک)

high tea

a meal that includes cakes, bread and butter with tea, eaten in the early evening

عصرانه (شامل چای و...)

عصرانه (شامل چای و...)


the main meal of the day that we usually eat in the evening



dinner party

a social gathering where guests are invited to a host's home for an evening meal, often accompanied by drinks and conversation

*مهمانی شام

*مهمانی شام

full course dinner

a formal or elaborate meal that consists of multiple courses

شام کامل

شام کامل

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a meal eaten in the evening, typically lighter than dinner and often the last meal of the day

شام سبک

شام سبک

siu yeh

a late-night meal or late-night dining culture in Hong Kong, where people gather to eat and socialize after midnight

*فرهنگ هنگ‌کنگی غذاخوری در نیمه‌شب

*فرهنگ هنگ‌کنگی غذاخوری در نیمه‌شب

midnight snack

a small meal or snack that is consumed during the late-night hours, typically after dinner and before bedtime

میان‌وعده نیمه‌شب

میان‌وعده نیمه‌شب

airline meal

a meal that is served on board an aircraft during a flight

*غذای هواپیما

*غذای هواپیما


a large and formal meal for many people, often for a special event

ضیافت شام

ضیافت شام


an outdoor party during which food, such as meat, fish, etc. is cooked on a metal frame over an open fire

مهمانی کبابخوری

مهمانی کبابخوری

blue-plate special

a special discounted meal or menu item offered for a limited time

*منوی خاص

*منوی خاص


a meal with many dishes from which people serve themselves at a table and then eat elsewhere




a light and informal selection of food items served between meals

*غذای سبک

*غذای سبک

haute cuisine

fancy and carefully prepared food with beautiful presentation and top-notch ingredients

*هنر پخت غذا

*هنر پخت غذا


a traditional Japanese multi-course meal that showcases seasonal and regional ingredients

*کایسکی (خوراک ژاپنی)

*کایسکی (خوراک ژاپنی)


the meal that people eat during an outing in nature, typically in a park or on a beach

غذای پیک‌نیک

غذای پیک‌نیک


a meal or party where each guest brings a dish to share with the group, typically without prior coordination of what dishes will be prepared

غذای شریکی

غذای شریکی

tv dinner

a pre-prepared and cooked meal that only needs heating before being ready to be eaten

غذای نیمه‌آماده

غذای نیمه‌آماده

family meal

a shared meal that is prepared and consumed by a group of people, often within a family or close-knit community

*غذای خانوادگی

*غذای خانوادگی

value meal

a discounted combo meal with a main dish, sides, and a beverage offered at fast food restaurants

*منوی کمبو

*منوی کمبو


the pre-dawn meal consumed by Muslims during the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan




the evening meal that Muslims consume to break their fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan




a small amount of food that is taken into the mouth at one time, often to chew or swallow

یک لقمه

یک لقمه

square meal

a meal that is complete and satisfying

غذای درست حسابی

غذای درست حسابی

continental breakfast

a light morning meal that typically includes items such as bread, fruits, and coffee, with a focus on simplicity and ease of preparation

*صبحانه کانتیننتال

*صبحانه کانتیننتال


an informal outdoor event where the food is often grilled or barbecued and prepared to be enjoyed in a social gathering



cream tea

a meal that consists of jam, cream, and tea with small cakes, eaten in the afternoon

چای خامه (وعده غذایی چای بعدازظهر)

چای خامه (وعده غذایی چای بعدازظهر)

English breakfast

a traditional British morning meal with eggs, bacon, sausage, beans, tomatoes, black pudding, and toast or fried bread, usually served with tea or coffee

*صبحانه انگلیسی

*صبحانه انگلیسی


a meal with fine food or a large meal for many people celebrating a special event

غذای مجلل

غذای مجلل

liquid lunch

a midday meal or gathering where alcoholic beverages, such as cocktails or wine, are consumed instead of solid food

ناهار مایع

ناهار مایع

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a midday meal that is typically more formal than a light lunch and is often served in a social or business setting




a big meal

غذای مفصل

غذای مفصل


the food that we eat regularly during different times of day, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner

وعده غذایی

وعده غذایی

ready meal

a meal that is pre-cooked and only needs reheating before it is ready to be eaten

غذای آماده

غذای آماده


a buffet-style meal with a variety of cold and hot dishes

*بوفه سلف‌سرویس

*بوفه سلف‌سرویس


a small meal that is usually eaten between the main meals or when there is not much time for cooking




a feast featuring a variety of delicious dishes that bring immense satisfaction and pleasure to those partaking in it



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a meal bought from a restaurant or store to be eaten somewhere else

غذای بیرون‌بر

غذای بیرون‌بر


a meal bought from a restaurant or store to be eaten somewhere else

غذای بیرون‌بر

غذای بیرون‌بر


food that is bought from a restaurant, etc. to be eaten elsewhere

بیرون‌بر (غذا یا نوشیدنی)

بیرون‌بر (غذا یا نوشیدنی)

wedding breakfast

a meal or reception held after a wedding ceremony, typically consisting of a formal sit-down meal with multiple courses

*صبحانه عروسی

*صبحانه عروسی

staff meal

a meal that is provided by a restaurant, catering service, or other food establishment to its employees or staff

*غذای پرسنلی

*غذای پرسنلی

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