खाना और पेय तैयारी - रसोइये और भोजन
यहां आप रसोइयों और व्यंजनों से संबंधित कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे जैसे "हलाल", "शेफ", और "रेसिपी"।
समीक्षा करें
a person who prepares and cooks food, especially as their job
रसोइया, रसोइया महिला
a highly trained cook who often cooks for hotels or restaurants
शेफ, पकाने वाला
the act of preparing food by heat or mixing different ingredients
पकाने, खाना बनाना
a person who has attained a high level of skill or expertise in culinary arts
कॉर्डन ब्ल्यू, कुशल रसोइया
a method or style of cooking that is specific to a country or region
पकवान, खानपान
having to do with the preparation, cooking, or presentation of food
पाककला संबंधी
someone who enjoys and knows about food and wine very much
गौर्मे, एपिक्योरियन
fancy and carefully prepared food with beautiful presentation and top-notch ingredients
उच्च व्यंजन, गौरवपूर्ण भोजन
a French style of cooking known for its light, delicate dishes, fresh ingredients, and artistic presentation
नवीन व्यंजन
the instructions on how to cook a certain food, including a list of the ingredients required
व्यंजन विधि
someone whose job is preparing food that can be quickly or easily cooked
छोटा आर्डर कुक, तत्काल料理 करनेवाला
a person or company that provides food and drink for an event
कैटरर, भोजन प्रदान करने वाला
a waiter or waitress who serves food to customers in parked cars at a drive-in restaurant
गाड़ी वेटर, गाड़ी वेट्रेस
a novice chef who works under the supervision of the head chef
कमीश शेफ, सहायक शेफ
a kitchen staff member who prepares and preps ingredients, such as chopping and measuring, in advance of cooking in a restaurant or culinary setting
प्रेप कुक, किचन सहायक
a cook who ranks second after the head chef in a professional restaurant
सौशेफ, मुख्य रसोइये का सहायक
a chef who oversees and manages a specific section or station in a professional kitchen, responsible for preparing and cooking a specific type of food or aspect of a meal
शेफ डे पार्टी, प्रतिभागी प्रमुख
a member of a kitchen staff who works on the cooking line, responsible for preparing and cooking food to order in a restaurant or culinary establishment
लाइन कुक, लाइन रसोइया
a chef or cook who temporarily fills in for other cooks who are absent or unavailable, assisting in various sections or stations in a professional kitchen as needed
अस्थायी रसोइया, राहत रसोइया
a chef or cook who is responsible for overseeing the preparation of soups, sauces, and side dishes
एंट्रेमेटियर, सूप और बगल के व्यंजनों का शेफ
a chef or cook who specializes in preparing and cooking sauces
सॉसीयर, सॉस बनाने वाला
a chef or cook who is responsible for the preparation, assembly, and presentation of cold dishes
गर्डे मांगर, ठंडी डिश बनाने वाला शेफ
a versatile cook who is able to work across different stations or sections in a professional kitchen, filling in for absent or busy cooks
विविध रसोइया, वैकल्पिक रसोइया
a pastry chef or baker who specializes in the creation and preparation of desserts, pastries, and baked goods
पैटिसियर, मिठाई बनाने वाला
a chef or cook who specializes in the preparation and cooking of fish and seafood dishes
मछली शैफ, मछली पकाने वाला
a chef or cook who is responsible for cooking meats, particularly grilled or broiled meats
ग्रिल पकाने वाला, रसोइया
someone who is in charge of the waiters and waitresses of a restaurant
मास्टर वेटर, सर्वर प्रमुख
someone who is in charge of serving wine and helping customers choose wine in a restaurant
सोमलियर, शराब पेश करनेवाला
someone whose job is to serve meals to customers in a restaurant
वेटर, वेट्रेस
someone whose job is to clear tables and dirty dishes, etc. in a restaurant
टेबल क्लियरर, सहायक वेटर
a person who invites guests to a social event and ensures they have a pleasant experience while there
मेज़बान, अतिथि
a woman whose job is greeting customers in a restaurant, etc.
हॉस्टेस, अतिथि परिचारिका
a person who serves drinks behind a bar, typically in a bar, restaurant, or other establishment
बारटेंडर, मदिरा सेवा करने वाला
a person who samples or evaluates food, drinks, or other substances
स्वाद tester, स्वाद परीक्षक
an individual who is responsible for coordinating and expediting the flow of food orders between the kitchen and the front of the house
प्रवेशिका, समन्वयक
a staff member who is responsible for delivering food orders from the kitchen to the dining area
फूड रनर, भोजन वितरक
the practice of preparing and cooking meals at home
घर का खाना, घर में पकाना
food prepared according to Jewish dietary laws, fit for consumption by observant Jews
कोशर, कोशर भोजन
a style of cooking that emphasizes lightness, healthfulness, and the use of minimal fats and calories
हल्का पकवान, स्वास्थ्यवर्धक भोजन