Közbeszólások - Közbeszólások az elutasításról és a megdöbbenésről
Ezeket a közbeszólásokat akkor használják, ha a beszélő valakinek a viselkedését vagy cselekedeteit bírálja, vagy valami váratlan és kellemetlen dologra kíván reagálni.
used to vocalize disapproval, dissatisfaction, or disdain, particularly in response to something disliked or unwelcome
used to express relief or satisfaction at the departure or removal of someone or something undesirable
Jó riddance!
used to express exasperation or disapproval towards someone who is behaving immaturely or irresponsibly
Nőj fel!
used to express strong disapproval, condemnation, or outrage at someone's actions or behavior
Hogy merészelsz?
used to express surprise, shock, or disapproval in response to something someone has said
used to indicate reluctant acceptance, skepticism, or resignation regarding someone's statement or assertion
Ha te mondod.
used to express disbelief, disagreement, or disapproval of something that has been said
used to convey disapproval, disappointment, or reproach towards someone for their actions, behavior, or decisions
Szégyen neked!
used to express mild reprimand, disapproval, or disappointment in response to someone's actions, behavior, or words
used to express disagreement, opposition, or protest towards something that has been said or proposed in legal contexts, debates, and negotiations
said to show one's relief or satisfaction after an annoying wait for something that was supposed to happen a long time ago
used to show that one is shocked, annoyed, or surprised
used to express shock, alarm, or apprehension about a situation