Akademik IELTS (Band 8 dan di Atas) - Mempersiapkan Makanan
Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris terkait Mempersiapkan Makanan yang diperlukan untuk ujian IELTS Akademik.
Kartu flash
to heat or cook food rapidly using a microwave oven

memanaskan mengunakan microwave, memasak di microwave

to cook food in hot oil or fat until it bursts open or becomes crispy, such as popcorn

meletup, menggoreng

to split and flatten a poultry or game bird for cooking

memotong dan meratakan, membuka dan meratakan

to heat or cook food quickly using a microwave oven

memanaskan, memasak di microwave

to pour fat, juices, or other liquid over the surface of food, such as meat or vegetables, while it is cooking

mengolesi, membasahi

to briefly immerse food in boiling water, often followed by rapid cooling, to preserve color, remove skin, or prepare for freezing

blanch, merebus

to heat a liquid, especially milk or water until it boils or gets close to that degree

mendidih, memanaskan

to dissolve and loosen cooked food particles from the bottom of a pan by adding liquid, often wine, broth, or stock, during cooking

deglaze, deglazing

to introduce air into a substance, typically a liquid or soil, to improve its texture, taste, or overall quality

aerasi, mengudara

to coat or cover food, typically with flour or breadcrumbs, before cooking

melapisi, menggulung

to cook food, especially meat or fish, at a very high temperature

memanggang, memasak di atas bara

to partly boil food, especially vegetables

merebus setengah matang, memasak setengah matang

to cook food, especially meat or fish, under or over direct heat

memanggang, menggoreng

to pour fat, juices, or other liquid over the surface of food, such as meat or vegetables, while it is cooking

mengolesi, membasahi

to cook food at a low temperature with a small amount of liquid in a closed container

merebus, memasak perlahan