GRE のための上級語彙 - 変化だけが一定です!
to reduce from the difficulty or intensity of a problem, issue, etc.
軽減する, 和らげる
to help a person, who is either disappointed or emotionally suffering, feel better
慰める, 元気づける
(of policies, opinions, ideas, aims, etc.) to develop into either the same thing or something extremely similar
収束する, 合致する
to preserve something, like food, by ridding it of all its moisture
乾燥させる, 脱水する
to better or increase someone or something's quality, strength, value, etc.
向上させる, 強化する
to help something, such as a process or action, become possible or simpler
容易にする, 促進する
to posses or reach a higher level of skill, success, value, or quantity than another person or thing
凌ぐ, 追い越す
to render a plan or action ineffective or unnecessary by doing something before it happens
先取りする, 予防する
to bring an end to the anger of a person, ghost, spirit, or god by pleasing them
なだめる, 鎮める
to give something as a reward or compensation for services, favors, or achievements
報いる, 報酬を与える
to suddenly make an involuntary movement in reaction to a shock or surprise
驚く, 身をひるがえす
to change something's nature, appearance, or substance into something different and usually better
変換する, 変化させる
the act of changing or copying something in a way that it no longer has the quality and value it used to
バスタード化, 歪曲
a person, thing, or event that provokes or accelerates change or activity by introducing new perspectives or actions
触媒, 変化の要因
something, such as an achievement or event, that is of great importance or influence in something's progress and development
画期的な出来事, ランドマーク
an extreme change in someone or something's nature, character, or form
変態, 変革
the main meaning or part of something such as an situation, statement, or argument
核心, 要点
to cause something, such as an idea, system, habit, etc. to become fixed and opposed to change
硬化させる, 固定させる
free to do as a person or thing pleases due to not having any limitations or restrictions inflicted upon them
自由な, 束縛されていない
not in an active, developing, or operating state but can become so later on
休眠中の, 非活動の