
アカデミック IELTS (バンド 8 以上) - Law

ここでは、アカデミック IELTS 試験に必要な法律に関連する英単語を学びます。









Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (8)

the quality of being fair and just toward people according to natural law



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(law) a person or party involved in a legal case

訴訟当事者, 原告

訴訟当事者, 原告

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punitive damages

an extra financial compensation awarded in a lawsuit to punish the defendant for bad behavior and deter future wrongdoing

懲罰的損害賠償, 懲罰的賠償金

懲罰的損害賠償, 懲罰的賠償金

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to co-sign

to sign a document or agreement jointly with another person, taking equal responsibility for fulfilling its terms

共同署名する, 共同で署名する

共同署名する, 共同で署名する

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the condition of dying without a valid will, leaving the distribution of one's estate to be determined by the laws of intestate succession rather than specific instructions in a will

遺言の不在, 遺言なし

遺言の不在, 遺言なし

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the physical railing or barrier in a courtroom that separates participants from the judge

バリア, 法廷の仕切り

バリア, 法廷の仕切り

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a lawyer who specializes in bringing a lawsuit against people or organizations in a court of law

訴訟弁護士, 訴訟専門の弁護士

訴訟弁護士, 訴訟専門の弁護士

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a person who acts as a judge in a law court and deals with minor offenses

治安判事, 裁判官

治安判事, 裁判官

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probable cause

the reasonable suspicion that a crime has occurred or will occur

おおよその原因, 合理的な疑い

おおよその原因, 合理的な疑い

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a legal professional who is qualified and licensed to advocate on the behalf of clients in both lower and higher courts, primarily in Britain

弁護士, 法律家

弁護士, 法律家

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a legal order from a court that requires a party to do or refrain from doing a specific action

差し止め命令, 命令書

差し止め命令, 命令書

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a written statement affirmed by oath that can be used as evidence in court

宣誓供述書, アフィダビット

宣誓供述書, アフィダビット

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a recorded testimony given outside of court by a witness or party involved in a legal case, used as evidence in future proceedings

陳述, 証言

陳述, 証言

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an official authorized to conduct particular legal formalities, especially to make documents legally acceptable



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a set of rules or directives made and maintained by an authority, especially in order to regulate conduct

定款, 規則

定款, 規則

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the temporary suspension or postponement of a legal proceeding or meeting

中断, 延期

中断, 延期

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a list of cases scheduled for a court's consideration, including details such as case numbers, parties involved, and hearing dates

事件リスト, 法廷スケジュール

事件リスト, 法廷スケジュール

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an official judgment in court of law that declares someone not guilty of the crime they were charged with



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the act of breaking or not obeying a law, agreement, etc.

違反, 侵害

違反, 侵害

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a formal accusation of a crime

起訴状, 告発

起訴状, 告発

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(law) the permission for a prisoner to leave prison before the end of their imprisonment sentence, on the condition of good conduct

仮出所, 保護観察

仮出所, 保護観察

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to extradite

to send someone accused of a crime to the place where the crime happened or where they are wanted for legal matters

引き渡す, 送還する

引き渡す, 送還する

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to adjudicate

to make a formal decision or judgment about who is right in an argument or dispute

裁定する, 判決する

裁定する, 判決する

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to infringe

to violate someone's rights or property

侵害する, 違反する

侵害する, 違反する

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to annul

to invalidate a legal agreement

無効にする, 取り消す

無効にする, 取り消す

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a legal document issued by a court or administrative agency, compelling an individual to appear as a witness, produce certain documents, or provide testimony in a legal proceeding

召喚状, 証人出廷命令

召喚状, 証人出廷命令

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to exempt

to officially excuse someone from a requirement or obligation

免除する, 除外する

免除する, 除外する

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to remand

to send a case back to a court of lower authority for additional reconsideration or review

差し戻す, 再審を求める

差し戻す, 再審を求める

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to abide by

to follow the rules, commands, or wishes of someone, showing compliance to their authority

従う, 遵守する

従う, 遵守する

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case law

the body of law formed by judicial decisions and precedents established in past court cases, used as a basis for deciding similar issues in subsequent legal proceedings

判例法, ケース法

判例法, ケース法

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a raid or arrest, often resulting from police or law enforcement investigations

家宅捜索, 逮捕

家宅捜索, 逮捕

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to rescind

to officially cancel a law, decision, agreement, etc.

取り消す, 無効にする

取り消す, 無効にする

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to annex

to attach a document to another, especially in formal or legal writings

添付する, 同封する

添付する, 同封する

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the process of sending a legal case from one court to another for review or resolution, often due to jurisdictional or procedural reasons

移送, 譲渡

移送, 譲渡

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an official rule or order that is imposed by the law or someone with authority

条例, 規則

条例, 規則

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