IELTS Học Thuật (Band 8 Trở Lên) - Law
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Đố vui
an extra financial compensation awarded in a lawsuit to punish the defendant for bad behavior and deter future wrongdoing

thiệt hại tiền phạt, bồi thường mang tính trừng phạt

to sign a document or agreement jointly with another person, taking equal responsibility for fulfilling its terms

đồng ký, ký cùng nhau

the condition of dying without a valid will, leaving the distribution of one's estate to be determined by the laws of intestate succession rather than specific instructions in a will

không có di chúc, trạng thái không có di chúc

the physical railing or barrier in a courtroom that separates participants from the judge

rào, vạch ngăn

a lawyer who specializes in bringing a lawsuit against people or organizations in a court of law

luật sư kiện tụng, luật sư tranh tụng

a person who acts as a judge in a law court and deals with minor offenses

thẩm phán, thẩm quyền

the reasonable suspicion that a crime has occurred or will occur

nguyên nhân có khả năng, nghi ngờ hợp lý

a legal professional who is qualified and licensed to advocate on the behalf of clients in both lower and higher courts, primarily in Britain

luật sư, cố vấn pháp lý

a legal order from a court that requires a party to do or refrain from doing a specific action

biện pháp khẩn cấp, lệnh cấm

a written statement affirmed by oath that can be used as evidence in court

bản tuyên thệ, affidavit

a recorded testimony given outside of court by a witness or party involved in a legal case, used as evidence in future proceedings

lời khai, tuyên thệ

an official authorized to conduct particular legal formalities, especially to make documents legally acceptable

notary, công chứng viên

a set of rules or directives made and maintained by an authority, especially in order to regulate conduct

quy chế, nội quy

the temporary suspension or postponement of a legal proceeding or meeting

tạm hoãn, đình chỉ

a list of cases scheduled for a court's consideration, including details such as case numbers, parties involved, and hearing dates

danh sách vụ án, lịch xét xử

an official judgment in court of law that declares someone not guilty of the crime they were charged with

bản án trắng án

(law) the permission for a prisoner to leave prison before the end of their imprisonment sentence, on the condition of good conduct

điều kiện phóng thích, tạm giam

to send someone accused of a crime to the place where the crime happened or where they are wanted for legal matters

giao nộp, trả lại

to make a formal decision or judgment about who is right in an argument or dispute

phán quyết, xét xử

a legal document issued by a court or administrative agency, compelling an individual to appear as a witness, produce certain documents, or provide testimony in a legal proceeding

trát đòi, giấy triệu tập

to send a case back to a court of lower authority for additional reconsideration or review

đề nghị, chuyển lại

to follow the rules, commands, or wishes of someone, showing compliance to their authority

tuân theo, chấp hành

the body of law formed by judicial decisions and precedents established in past court cases, used as a basis for deciding similar issues in subsequent legal proceedings

án lệ, luật án

a raid or arrest, often resulting from police or law enforcement investigations

cuộc đột kích, lặp

to attach a document to another, especially in formal or legal writings

đính kèm, phụ lục

the process of sending a legal case from one court to another for review or resolution, often due to jurisdictional or procedural reasons

chuyển, truyền