the largest and most developed part of the brain, responsible for conscious thought, perception, movement, and memory


the vital bridge between the brain and the spinal cord, controlling essential functions and relaying information throughout the body

脳幹, 脳茎

a bundle of nerve fibers that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain, facilitating communication

脳梁, コーパス・カロサム

an almond-shaped structure in the brain that plays a key role in processing emotions

扁桃体, アーモンド形構造

(anatomy) the outer layer of the anterior part of the brain, called cerebrum, containing gray matter

大脳皮質, コルテックス

a region of the cerebral cortex responsible for planning, controlling, and executing voluntary movements

運動皮質, モーターコルテックス

a curved fold in the cerebral cortex that is involved in emotion, memory, and attention


the anterior part of the brain responsible for higher cognitive functions and complex behaviors

前頭皮質, 前頭前野

a region of the brain responsible for cognitive functions such as decision-making or problem-solving

前頭葉, フロントラル

a body part located at the posterior end of the cerebral cortex in the brain, responsible for processing and interpreting visual information received from the eyes

後頭葉, オキシピタルローブ

an anatomical structure located in the occipital lobe of the brain. It is involved in visual processing

後頭回, オキシピタルジャイラス

a brain region that processes sensory information related to touch, temperature, pain, and proprioception from different parts of the body

感覚ストリップ, 感覚領域

the outer layer of neural tissue in the parietal lobe involved in sensory processing and spatial awareness

頭頂葉皮質, 頭頂 cortex

a region of the brain involved in sensory processing, spatial awareness, and cognitive functions

頭頂葉, 頭頂叶

a folded region of brain tissue in the parietal lobe, involved in sensory perception, spatial processing, and motor planning

頭頂回, 頭頂横回

a region of the brain responsible for auditory processing, memory, language comprehension, and visual perception

側頭葉, 側頭葉 (名詞)

the region of the brain within the temporal lobe that is involved in auditory processing, memory, language comprehension, and visual recognition

側頭皮質, 側頭葉皮質

a curved fold of tissue located within the temporal lobe of the brain, involved in various functions such as auditory processing, language, memory, and emotion

側頭回, テンポラルギルス

a region in the brain responsible for speech production and language processing

ブローカ領域, ブローカエリア

a region of the brain located in the frontal lobe that is responsible for controlling voluntary movement of muscles throughout the body

運動帯, 運動皮質

a region of the brain involved in language comprehension and processing

ウェルニッケ領域, ウェルニッケエリア

a shallow groove or indentation on the surface of the brain, separating different regions or lobes

溝, サルクス

a deep groove in the brain that separates the frontal and parietal lobes

中央溝, セントラルサルカス

a groove on the lateral surface of the cerebrum that separates the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobe

大脳側溝, 側脳溝

the region of the central nervous system that contains neural cell bodies, dendrites, and synapses, and appears greyish in color

灰色の物質, グレーの物質

the tissue in the central nervous system composed of myelinated nerve fibers

白質, ホワイトマター

(anatomy) a region in the central lower part of the brain that is responsible for autonomic nervous system and the release of hormones


a group of structures in the brain involved in motor control and reward-based learning

基底核, 基底ganglion

a complex subcortical nervous system of the brain that is associated with emotions and drives

辺縁系, 脳の辺縁系

the interconnected structures within the brain's limbic system, involved in emotions, memory, and motivation

辺縁系脳, リムビックシステム

a fluid-filled chamber in the brain that plays a vital role in cerebrospinal fluid circulation and brain health

側脳室, 側室

a curved structure in the brain responsible for memory formation, learning, and spatial navigationa curved structure in the brain responsible for memory formation, learning, and spatial navigation


the front part of the brain involved in higher cognition and executive functions

前頭前皮質, 前頭皮質

the anterior region of the brain responsible for executive functions and social cognition

前頭葉, 前頭部

a brain structure involved in emotional and cognitive processing, located above the corpus callosum

帯状回, シングレット回

a network of blood vessels in the brain that produces cerebrospinal fluid

脈絡叢, ちくろくそう

a protective fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord, providing cushioning and facilitating nutrient exchange

脳脊髄液, セレブロスパイナル液

a small opening that connects the lateral ventricles of the brain, allowing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid between them

モンロー孔, モンローの開口部

a fluid-filled cavity in the brain that plays a role in cerebrospinal fluid circulation and communication between brain regions


a fluid-filled cavity located in the brainstem, involved in the production and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid


a fluid-filled area between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater in the central nervous system

くも膜下腔, クモ膜下スペース

a fluid-filled space within the body, particularly within the brain or spinal cord, that acts as a reservoir for cerebrospinal fluid

システルナ, 貯水槽

a narrow fluid-filled channel that runs through the center of the spinal cord and carries cerebrospinal fluid


an opening at the posterior aspect of the skull through which the spinal cord passes


a thin membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord, playing a role in protecting and supporting the central nervous system


the innermost layer of the meninges, which is a protective membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord


the middle and largest of the three cranial fossae, located at the base of the skull and housing the temporal lobes of the brain

中頭蓋窩, 中間の頭蓋窩

a cavity located at the base of the skull that holds the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata


the shallowest and most anterior of the three cranial fossae, located at the base of the skull and housing the frontal lobes of the brain

前頭蓋腔, 頭蓋前部

the outer layer of the brain responsible for higher cognitive functions and information processing

大脳皮質, 脳の皮質

a structure located in the front part of the brain involved in the sense of smell

嗅覚脳, 嗅覚センター