
C2 수준 단어 목록 - 업무 환경

여기서는 C2 레벨 학습자를 위해 특별히 수집된 작업 환경에 관해 이야기하는 데 필요한 모든 필수 단어를 배우게 됩니다.









학습 시작
CEFR C2 Vocabulary
to pension off

to force one's employee to retire or leave work and give them a payment

누군가에게 은퇴를 강요하는 것

누군가에게 은퇴를 강요하는 것

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to transact

to do business with another person or company



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to lock out

to prevent one's employees from working until they accept new policies or conditions

직원이 일하는 것을 방해하다

직원이 일하는 것을 방해하다

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to retrench

to reduce the expenses of one's company by dismissing a number of employees from their job



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to skive

to avoid fulfilling a responsibility by staying away from work

자신의 일과 책임을 회피하는 것

자신의 일과 책임을 회피하는 것

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to downsize

(of an organization or company) to reduce the number of employees, often as a means of cutting costs or increasing efficiency

직원 수를 줄이고

직원 수를 줄이고

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to sack

to dismiss someone from their job

자루에 넣다

자루에 넣다

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to troubleshoot

to come up with solutions for challenges and difficulties in an organization or company

문제 해결

문제 해결

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to lay off

to dismiss employees due to financial difficulties or reduced workload

직원 해고

직원 해고

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to liquidate

to clear one's debt

빚을 갚다

빚을 갚다

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to clock in

to record one's arrival at work by using a timekeeping system, usually involving the use of a clock or electronic device

to onboard

to integrate and familiarize a new employee or user with a system or organization

사람들에게 새로운 직장을 소개하다

사람들에게 새로운 직장을 소개하다

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to clock out

to record the time of one's departure from work

출발 시간 등록

출발 시간 등록

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to liaise

to establish a communication or cooperation which links parties or organizations

연락장교의 역할을 맡다

연락장교의 역할을 맡다

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to punch in

to manually register the time of one's arrival at work by pushing a button on a machine

도착 시간 등록하기

도착 시간 등록하기

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to convene

to meet or bring together a group of people for an official meeting

정식 회의를 열고 있다

정식 회의를 열고 있다

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to punch out

to manually register the time of one's departure from work by pushing a button on a machine

출발 시간 등록

출발 시간 등록

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the minimum number of people that must be present for a meeting to officially begin or for decisions to be made



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a workplace, particularly one in which people produce clothing items, with poor conditions where workers are paid very low wages

직원들에게 가혹한 조건에서 일하도록 강요하는 공장

직원들에게 가혹한 조건에서 일하도록 강요하는 공장

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a list or plan showing assignments or duties for individuals or groups over a specified period

관세의 잡지

관세의 잡지

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a diagrammatic representation of the hierarchical structure of an organization

도식적 표현

도식적 표현

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blue Monday

a day of low motivation or sadness, commonly occurring at the start of the workweek due to the weekend ending

슬픈 날(종종 근무가 시작될 때)

슬픈 날(종종 근무가 시작될 때)

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assurance department

a division within an organization responsible for ensuring that processes, systems, and products meet established quality and compliance standards

보증 부서

보증 부서

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hot desk

a shared workspace in an office, available for use by any employee on a first-come, first-served basis, rather than being assigned to a particular individual

공유 작업 공간

공유 작업 공간

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hybrid working

a model where employees split their time between working from home and working on-site

집과 사무실을 나누어 일을 하다

집과 사무실을 나누어 일을 하다

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the management of supplying labor and materials as needed for an operation or task

기호 논리학

기호 논리학

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operations department

the division within an organization responsible for the day-to-day management and execution of its core business functions

운영 부서

운영 부서

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exit interview

a discussion with a departing employee to understand their reasons for leaving and gain feedback on their experience with the organization

사직하려는 직원과의 대화

사직하려는 직원과의 대화

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