TOEFL을 위한 필수 어휘 - Politics
여기에서는 TOEFL 시험에 필요한 "summit", "wing", "senate" 등 정치에 관한 몇 가지 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
a system of governing that is authoritarian and usually not selected in a fair election

정권, 권위주의 정부

a senior official whose job is living in a foreign country and representing their own country

대사, 여대사

an official gathering during which the heads of governments discuss crucial issues

정상 회담, 정상 회의

members of a political party or other organization who have a certain function or share certain views

파벌, 지부

a system of government that is controlled by officials who are not elected rather employed


a system of government based on the vote of the public who choose their representatives periodically by free election


related to or characteristic of a system of government where power comes from the people through free elections and respects individual rights


someone who supports social equality, healthcare reform, environmental protection, and a more active role for government in addressing social issues

민주당원, 사회적 평등 지지자

(in some countries) the group of people who have been elected to make laws, which in the US it consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate

의회, 국회

the group of elected representatives whose responsibility is to create, amend, and discuss laws or address political matters

의회, 국회

a legislative or governing body, usually the smaller and more influential chamber in a bicameral system, with the authority to create, revise, or approve laws and policies


senior members of a government who make decisions and control the policy of the government

내각, 각료회의

a short memorable phrase that is used in advertising to draw people's attention toward something

슬로건, 구호

a person who aligns with or supports the principles and policies traditionally associated with conservative political ideologies

보수주의자, 보수 여론

a form of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or a small group, often with absolute authority, without the consent of the people

독재정치, 전체주의 정부

a ruler that has total power over a state, particularly a ruler who gained power through force


(plural) the process of casting or counting votes; the place in which votes are counted or casted

투표, 투표소

relating to the central government of a country rather than the local or regional governments

연방의, 연방적

a governing system in which the supreme power is held by people and their chosen representatives


(in the US) someone who supports or is a member of the Republican Party

공화당원, 공화당 여성 회원

religious or political actions, beliefs, or ideas that most people find them extreme, unreasonable, and abnormal

극단주의, 과격주의

a system of international trading in which there are no restrictions or taxes on goods bought or sold

자유 무역, 프리 트레이드

related to or characteristic of a political ideology that emphasizes individual freedoms, equality, and government intervention for social welfare and economic opportunity

자유주의의, 진보적인

information and statements that are mostly biased and false and are used to promote a political cause or leader


the state of an organization or country that is lacking in order, authority, or control

무정부 상태

the fundamental change of power, government, etc. in a country by people, particularly involving violence

혁명, 반란