
Toán Học và Đánh Giá ACT - Hình học

Tại đây, bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến hình học, chẳng hạn như "tiếp tuyến", "đỉnh", "hình elip", v.v. sẽ giúp bạn đạt thành tích ACT cao nhất.


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ACT Vocabulary for Math and Assessment

the measure of how steep a line is, found by dividing the change in height by the change in horizontal distance

đoạn đường lài lài

đoạn đường lài lài

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(geometry) a part of a circle, which is curved

cung (hình học)

cung (hình học)

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a unit for measuring angles, defined by the angle made when the radius of a circle is laid along its edge

số ra di an

số ra di an

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the length of a straight line drawn from the center of a circle to any point on its outer boundary

xương cánh tay

xương cánh tay

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a straight line from one side of a round object, particularly a circle, passing through the center and joining the other side

đường kính

đường kính

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the total length of the external boundary of something

chu vi (hình học)

chu vi (hình học)

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(geometry) the length of the external boundary of a curved shape, especially a circle

đường chu vi

đường chu vi

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the measurement of a piece of land or a flat surface

chu vi (toán học)

chu vi (toán học)

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the amount of space that a substance or object takes or the amount of space inside an object

bổn sách

bổn sách

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the space between two lines or surfaces that are joined, measured in degrees or radians



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right angle

an angle measuring exactly 90 degrees

góc vuông

góc vuông

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vertical angle

one of a pair of opposite angles made by two intersecting lines, which are always equal

góc đối đỉnh

góc đối đỉnh

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interior angle

an angle formed between two sides of a polygon that lies inside the shape

góc nội thất

góc nội thất

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acute angle

an angle that measures between 0 and 90 degrees, which is less than a right angle (90 degrees)

góc nhọn

góc nhọn

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consecutive angle

pairs of angles that share a common side and vertex in a polygon or between intersecting lines

góc liên tiếp

góc liên tiếp

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(of angle) greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees

u mê

u mê

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[Tính từ]

a measuring instrument used to measure and draw angles

thước đo hình bán nguyệt

thước đo hình bán nguyệt

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(of lines or planes) intersecting each other at a 90 degree angle

vuông góc

vuông góc

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[Tính từ]

(geometry) a flat shape consisting of three or more straight sides

viết nhiều thứ tiếng

viết nhiều thứ tiếng

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(geometry) any flat shape with four straight sides, the opposite sides of which are equal and parallel to each other

hình bình hành

hình bình hành

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characterized by or resembling a tetrahedron, which has four triangular faces

hình tứ diện

hình tứ diện

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[Tính từ]

(geometry) a flat shape with four flat sides, two of which are parallel

hình thang

hình thang

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a geometric shape with five angles and five straight sides

hình năm góc

hình năm góc

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(geometry) a flat figure with four straight sides and four angles

hình bốn cạnh

hình bốn cạnh

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(geometry) a flat shape with four equal sides in which opposite angles are equal

hình thoi

hình thoi

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a small circle whose center moves around the circumference of a larger circle

ngoại luân

ngoại luân

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a geometric curve formed by the intersection of a plane with two cones, resulting in two symmetrical branches

song khúc tuyến

song khúc tuyến

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(geometry) a symmetrical open curve that is similar to the path of an object thrown into the air passes till it falls back to earth

đường hình parabol

đường hình parabol

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(geometry) a closed plane curve that has two focal points

hình bầu dục

hình bầu dục

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right triangle

a flat geometric shape consisting of three straight sides and one right angle

tam giác vuông

tam giác vuông

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acute triangle

a triangle in which all three interior angles are less than 90 degrees

Tam giác nhọn

Tam giác nhọn

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equilateral triangle

a type of triangle with all three sides of equal length

Tam giác đều

Tam giác đều

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scalene triangle

a type of triangle that has all three sides of different lengths

tam giác cân

tam giác cân

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describing a triangle with at least two sides of equal length



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the longest side of a right-angled triangle, opposite the right angle, and defined as the side opposite the right angle in a right-angled triangle

đường huyền

đường huyền

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right circular cylinder

a three-dimensional geometric shape with two parallel circular bases connected by a curved surface at a right angle to the bases

hình trụ tròn phải

hình trụ tròn phải

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rectangular pyramid

a three-dimensional geometric shape that has a rectangular base and four triangular faces that meet at a single point called the apex

kim tự tháp hình chữ nhật

kim tự tháp hình chữ nhật

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[Danh từ]

(geometry) a lack of symmetry or equivalence in shape or size between the two sides or parts of something

không đối xứng

không đối xứng

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a point where two or more lines, edges, or rays meet to form an angle, or the point at which the sides of a polygon intersect

chỏm đầu

chỏm đầu

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(geometry) a straight line that joins the opposite corners of a flat shape at an angle

đường đối giác

đường đối giác

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(in geometry) describing shapes of the same size and form

phù hợp

phù hợp

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the side of a geometric shape, usually the one considered as the bottom, from which the height is measured

diêm cơ

diêm cơ

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(mathematics) any of the pair of geometric figures such as lines or planes which do not meet or intersect

đường song song

đường song song

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line of symmetry

a line that divides a shape into two congruent parts

trục đối xứng

trục đối xứng

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geometric series

a series of numbers in which each term after the first is found by multiplying the previous term by a fixed, non-zero number

chuỗi hình học

chuỗi hình học

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surface area

the total area that the surface of a three-dimensional object occupies

diện tích bề mặt

diện tích bề mặt

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(of a line) intersecting two or more other lines at different points



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one-fourth of a circle, formed by two perpendicular radii and the connecting arc

một phần tư của vòng tròn

một phần tư của vòng tròn

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a straight line that a curve approaches indefinitely but never intersects, characterizing the limiting behavior of the curve

đường tiệm cận

đường tiệm cận

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to bisect

to divide something into two equal parts

cắt làm hai

cắt làm hai

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a straight line that touches a curve or surface at exactly one point, known as the point of tangency

đường tiếp tuyến

đường tiếp tuyến

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a straight line segment that connects two points on the edge of a circle

dây nhau

dây nhau

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to translate

(geometry) to move a shape or figure from one position to another without rotating, resizing, or otherwise altering its shape

biến dạng

biến dạng

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