
Words Related to Cinema and Theater - Cinematic Techniques and Film Editing









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Words Related to Cinema and Theater
found footage
a filmmaking technique that uses pre-existing audio or video footage in a new production, often to create a sense of authenticity or realism
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motion control photography
a technique that allows for precise and repeatable camera movements and is often used for special effects in film and television
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a technique in filmmaking where a camera is set up to follow a predetermined path or movement, usually using a computer-controlled camera crane or dolly
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freeze frame
a cinematic technique where a single frame is repeated and played back, creating the illusion of a still image
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jump scare
a cinematic technique that uses a sudden and unexpected sound, image, or event to startle and frighten the audience, often used in horror movies
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Ken Burns effect
a technique used in video production where still photographs are panned and zoomed in a way to create a video effect
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low-angle shot
a cinematic technique where the camera is positioned below the subject, shooting upwards, making the subject appear taller, more powerful or dominant
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Mickey Mousing
a film scoring technique where the music closely follows the on-screen action, emphasizing or mimicking the movements of the characters or objects
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multiple-camera setup
a television and film production technique that uses multiple cameras to capture different angles of a scene simultaneously, allowing for a more dynamic and immersive viewing experience
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something that is not visible on the screen but exists within the story, such as sounds, dialogue, or actions happening off-camera
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on-set virtual production
a filmmaking technique that combines real-time computer graphics and live-action footage, allowing filmmakers to create highly realistic and immersive environments and effects on-set during filming
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over-the-shoulder shot
a camera angle that shows one character from the perspective of another, commonly used in dialogue scenes in film and television
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a technique that merges photographic images with animation to create a moving image, often used to add dynamic movement to static images in filmmaking, advertising, and other visual media
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a film and theater technique that uses multiple screens or projectors to create a single, panoramic image, providing a more immersive and visually stunning viewing experience
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reaction shot
a camera shot that shows a character's response, typically a facial expression or body language, to something happening off-screen or to another character's actions or dialogue
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unchained camera
a filmmaking technique that involves using handheld or mobile camera setups to create a sense of realism and natural movement in the footage
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the process of changing the set or scenery to represent a different location or time period within the same production, often used to create the illusion of multiple locations without the need for multiple sets
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shaky camera
a filmmaking technique where the camera is intentionally made to shake or move rapidly, often used to create a sense of realism or urgency in the scene
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single camera setup
a filming technique that uses only one camera to capture footage, creating a more cinematic look and feel often used in television shows and movies
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stalker vision
a cinematographic technique where the camera follows a character closely from behind, often used to create a sense of tension or unease in the audience
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tracking shot
a technique where the camera is mounted on a moving platform and follows the action being filmed, creating a smooth and dynamic shot that can follow characters or objects through a scene
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trunk shot
a filming technique where the camera is placed inside the trunk of a car, often used to create a sense of confinement or show the perspective of a character trapped in the trunk
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soft focus
a filming technique where the camera lens is blurred or made less sharp than usual, often used to create a dreamy or emotional atmosphere
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Dutch angle
a camera shot where the camera is tilted to one side, creating a tilted or skewed perspective on the scene being filmed
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a detailed and tightly framed photograph or film shot of a subject at close range
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high-angle shot
a camera shot that is taken from above the subject, often from a high point such as a crane or rooftop, to create a sense of vulnerability or inferiority
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wide shot
a camera shot that captures a broad view of a scene or setting from a distance, often used to establish the setting or provide context
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medium shot
a camera shot that captures a subject from the waist up, providing a balance between the subject and their surroundings
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a film editing technique that alternates between different scenes or storylines to create tension or show simultaneous events
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a shot that interrupts the main action to show something else, such as an object or a reaction shot
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a film editing transition where one shot gradually fades out while another shot gradually fades in, creating a smooth transition between the two shots
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establishing shot
a wide angle shot that shows the location or setting of a scene, often used at the beginning of a sequence to orient the audience and provide context
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fast cutting
a film editing technique that uses rapid and frequent cuts between shots to create a sense of urgency or to convey fast-paced action or emotion
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a close-up shot of an object or detail, often used to emphasize or highlight a specific aspect of a scene or to provide additional information to the audience
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a transition where the audio from the next shot begins before the video from the previous shot ends, creating a smooth and seamless transition between scenes
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jump cut
an abrupt transition between shots in a film, creating a disorienting effect
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a type of video or audio edit where the audio from the previous scene continues to play over the footage of the next scene
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master shot
a wide-angle shot that captures the entire scene and all the characters in it
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a technique or process of selecting, editing and pasting separate footage in order to create a motion picture
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point-of-view shot
a camera technique that presents the viewpoint of a character, showing what they are seeing as if the audience is looking through their eyes
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a transition between two shots where one shot is gradually replaced by another shot in a directional pattern
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sequence shot
a long take that spans an entire scene or sequence, with no cuts or interruptions in the camera movement or action
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smash cut
a technique in film and video editing where a sudden cut from one shot to another creates a jarring visual effect
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slow cutting
the technique of using a slower pace to transition between shots, often to create a more deliberate or dramatic effect
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reverse shot
a shot taken from an angle opposite to the one used in the previous shot, often used in dialogue scenes to show both characters' perspectives
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axial cut
a film editing technique that maintains the same camera angle while cutting from one shot to another
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bleach bypass
a film processing technique used in the production of movies that results in a high-contrast, desaturated appearance with a metallic sheen
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eyeline match
a film editing technique that shows a character looking off-screen, followed by a cut to a shot of what they were looking at, creating a sense of continuity and spatial coherence
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Kuleshov Effect
a film editing effect where a sequence of shots are edited together to create a particular meaning or emotion in the viewer
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a scene in a story line that interrupts the chronological order and takes the narrative back in time
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crane shot
a cinematic technique where a camera is mounted on a crane to capture high-angle or sweeping shots
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a technique or material used in film and photography to block or obscure parts of an image or scene, often for special effects work or to combine separate elements into a single shot
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camera angle
the position and height of the camera in relation to the subject, which affects the perspective and emotional impact of the shot
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translation convention
a storytelling technique where characters from different cultures or languages speak the same language for the ease of the audience
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substitution splice
a type of film editing technique where a portion of a shot is replaced by a different shot in a way that is seamless and appears continuous to the viewer
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a film technique in which two or more separate scenes are shown on the screen at the same time, often divided by a horizontal or vertical line
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