كتاب Interchange - مبتدئ - الوحدة 9 - الجزء 1
ستجد هنا المفردات من الوحدة 9 - الجزء الأول في كتاب Interchange Beginner الدراسي، مثل "ساندويتش"، و"مقرمش"، و"أرز"، وما إلى ذلك.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a vegetable with a thick stem and clusters of edible flower buds, typically green in color


a round vegetable that grows beneath the ground, has light brown skin, and is used cooked or fried

بطاطس, بطاطا

a type of thin, long food made with flour and egg, eaten in a soup or with sauce

نودلز, مكرونة

a small and short grain that is white or brown and usually grown and eaten a lot in Asia


a thin and hard snack made with flour and water, usually eaten with cheese

مقرمشة, بسكويت مملح

an Italian food that is a mixture of flour, water, and at times eggs formed it into different shapes, typically eaten with a sauce when cooked


a substance found in food such as meat, eggs, seeds, etc. which is an essential part of the diet and keeps the body strong and healthy


milk and milk products that are produced by mammals such as cows, goats, and sheep collectively

منتجات الألبان, الألبان

a substance taken from animals or plants and then processed so that it can be used in cooking

دهون, سمنة

a thick white dressing made with egg yolks, vegetable oil, and vinegar, served cold
