
Kniha Headway - Pokročilý - Jednotka 12

Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 12 v učebnici Headway Advanced, jako je „potácející se“, „ordeal“, „deranged“ atd.









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Headway - Advanced

using a word, phrase, etc. not for its ordinary meaning, but for the idea or symbol that it represents or suggests

metaforický, přirovnání

metaforický, přirovnání

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the system of communication by spoken or written words, that the people of a particular country or region use

jazyk, řeč

jazyk, řeč

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to fuel

to provide the energy or inspiration needed to drive or enhance a specific activity or process

podporuje, inspiruje

podporuje, inspiruje

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to fire

to arouse, provoke, or inspire strong emotion, enthusiasm, or reaction

vzbudit, podnítit

vzbudit, podnítit

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radiating light or brightness, whether natural or artificial

zářivý, svítící

zářivý, svítící

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to overshadow

to cause a person or thing to come across as less significant

převážit, přehlušit

převážit, přehlušit

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to spark

to trigger or ignite a reaction, response, or action, often by provoking or inspiring someone or something to action

vyvolat, podnítit

vyvolat, podnítit

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a sudden, clear understanding or insight, often accompanied by a feeling of enlightenment

záblesk, náhlé porozumění

záblesk, náhlé porozumění

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to dawn

to become clear or understood

uvědomit si, pochopit

uvědomit si, pochopit

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having a suspicious or dishonest quality

podezřelý, nejasný

podezřelý, nejasný

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capable of thinking and learning in a good and quick way

bystrý, inteligentní

bystrý, inteligentní

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to flood

to become covered or filled by water

zaplavit, přetáhnout vodou

zaplavit, přetáhnout vodou

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unremarkable and lacking in distinctive or interesting qualities

nevýrazný, bezbarvý

nevýrazný, bezbarvý

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(of people) lacking in intelligence or common sense, and as a result, one's ideas or actions seem foolish or absurd

polovičatý, neschopný

polovičatý, neschopný

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food for thought

something that is worth thinking about or considering deeply

to bite off more than somebody can chew

to attempt to do something that is beyond one's capability

hot topic

a subject or issue that is currently trending or receiving a lot of attention and discussion

žhavé téma, aktuální téma

žhavé téma, aktuální téma

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cloud hang over somebody

a sense of gloom, worry, doubt, or uncertainty that follows or affects someone


indicating the highest or maximum point or level of something

maximální, vrcholový

maximální, vrcholový

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having or showing excessive or uncontrollable worry or interest in something

posedlý, obsedantní

posedlý, obsedantní

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so large or impressive that it is difficult to comprehend or believe

ohromující, šokující

ohromující, šokující

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to collapse

(of a person) to fall and usually become unconscious due to illness

zkolabovat, omdlít

zkolabovat, omdlít

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to pull through

to recover from an illness, a serious operation, or other difficult situations

uzdravit se, přejít

uzdravit se, přejít

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to discharge

to allow a patient to leave the hospital because they have recovered and no longer need to receive inpatient care

propuštění, pustit

propuštění, pustit

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the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others

priorita, upřednostnění

priorita, upřednostnění

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to shudder

to tremble or shake involuntarily, often as a result of fear, cold, or excitement

vyděsit se, třást se

vyděsit se, třást se

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free fall

the motion of an object or person falling solely under the influence of gravity

volný pád, pád bez odporu

volný pád, pád bez odporu

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to stall

to cease to make progress or move forward

zastavit se, ztratit tempo

zastavit se, ztratit tempo

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incapable of behaving normally or thinking clearly due to mental illness

šílený, bláznivý

šílený, bláznivý

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restraint kit

a collection of devices and tools used to physically restrain and control a person's movement, typically for medical or safety reasons

souprava pro omezení, sada pro restrikci

souprava pro omezení, sada pro restrikci

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restrained or toned down in style, quality, or intensity

tlumený, ztišený

tlumený, ztišený

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to reel

to have trouble keeping one's balance and be at the risk of falling

zakolísat, kymácet

zakolísat, kymácet

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a difficult or painful experience, often one that lasts long and requires great effort and endurance to overcome

zkouška, utrpení

zkouška, utrpení

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the final resolution of a situation or the reaching of a definitive conclusion or agreement

uzávěr, závěr

uzávěr, závěr

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to end on a sour note

to end something in an unpleasant or negative way

to have the foggiest idea

to have some understanding or knowledge of something


something that is easy to do or accomplish

snadnost, lehkověd

snadnost, lehkověd

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whirlwind romance

a romantic relationship that develops quickly and intensely, often with a sense of spontaneity and excitement

vichřice román, vztah na rychlo

vichřice román, vztah na rychlo

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to run through treacle

to move slowly and with great effort, as if walking through deep mud

emotional wreck

a person who is experiencing intense feelings of sadness, anger, anxiety, or any other strong emotion that causes them to feel overwhelmed and unable to function normally

emocionální troska, osoba v emocionálním kolapsu

emocionální troska, osoba v emocionálním kolapsu

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