Nebezpečí - Příliš velké riziko
Prozkoumejte anglické idiomy, které se týkají přílišného riskování, včetně „chůze po tenkém ledě“ a „ven na končetině“.
out on a limb
in a situation that involves a lot of risk and little support or evidence, especially one that arouses negative reactions in others
to walk on thin ice
to be doing something that may get one into serious trouble or danger at any moment
to take one's life into one's (own) hands
to do something so risky that a person may lose their life because of it
at one's own risk
by accepting the responsibility for all potential dangers and risks involved
to up the ante
to add to the risks or demands of a competition, dispute, etc. that will lead to either more benefits or losses
to lay down one's life
to sacrifice one's life so that someone or something can continue to exist

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