Jíst, Pít a Podávat Jídlo - Eating
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s jídlem, jako je „dine“, „chomp“ a „devour“.
to cause food, drink, or another substance to pass from the mouth down into the stomach, using the muscles of the throat
polykat, hltnout
to be able to recognize the flavor of something by eating or drinking it
ochutnat, vařit
to lightly or minimally eat or taste a small portion of something
dotknout se, ochutnat
to test something by doing or using it to find out if it is suitable, useful, good, etc.
zkusit, vyzkoušet
to consume a drug, medication, or substance in a specified manner, such as swallowing, inhaling, or injecting
užít, vzít
to take food, drink, or another substance into the body by swallowing or absorbing it
přijímat, vstřebávat
the act of eating, drinking, or utilizing edible items for sustenance or pleasure
to have a meal, typically at home or in a specified location, rather than going out to eat at a restaurant
večeřet doma, jíst na místě
to have dinner in a restaurant or at someone else's home
večeret v restauraci, jíst v restauraci
to have a meal at home, in contrast to eating at a restaurant or ordering takeout
jíst doma, večeřet doma
to eat in a restaurant, etc. rather than at one's home
jíst venku, dát si jídlo v restauraci
to eat until one is completely satisfied
najídat se, nasycovat se
to successfully swallow or ingest food or drink
polknout, sníst
to allow oneself to do or have something that one enjoys, particularly something that might be bad for one
hýčkat se, dopřát si
to finish eating something completely, often quickly or with enthusiasm
dojíst, snědět
to consume food quickly and without taking the time to chew it thoroughly
spolknout, žvýkat
used to wish someone a good appetite or enjoyable meal before they start eating
Dobrou chuť!, Užijte si jídlo!
to eat or swallow something with difficulty or reluctance
s obtížemi polknout, s neochotou jíst
to chew or bite down on something with a strong, audible, and repeated motion
kousnout, žvýkat
to bite and crush food into smaller pieces with the teeth to make it easier to swallow
žvýkat, kousat
to crush or grind something loudly and noisily with the teeth
křupat, hryzat
to eat something with a lot of enjoyment and finish it all
zlikvidovat, sníst
to eat something eagerly and in large quantities, often implying intense hunger or enjoyment
hltat, sežrat
to eat small amounts or particular kinds of food, especially to lose weight
dietovat, držet dietu
to consume completely, especially in reference to food
sníst všechno, sežrat
to eat something quickly and greedily, often making loud and rapid swallowing sounds
hltat, sežrat
to swallow quickly or greedily, often in one swift motion
polknout, hltat
to drink something, especially an alcoholic beverage, enthusiastically, and in large quantities
hltat, pít velkými doušky
to pass the tongue over a surface, typically to taste or eat something
olizovat, lízat
to chew steadily or vigorously, often making a crunching sound
žvýkat, křoupat
to nibble or eat small amounts of food in a hesitant or cautious manner
klovat, ubit
to fully appreciate and enjoy the flavor or aroma of a food or drink as much as possible, particularly by slowly consuming it
vychutnat, ochutnat
to eat a small amount of food between meals, typically as a quick and informal meal
snackovat, chroupej
to transfer or serve food using a spoon, typically involving scooping or lifting with kitchen tools
nabrat, nalít
to eat and drink abundantly, often as part of a celebration or special occasion
hodovat, směšně jíst
to eat excessively, especially to the point that makes one feel sick or uncomfortable
přejídat se, překročit meze
to eat a lot and quickly, often in a greedy or indulgent way
žrát, hltat
to eat or drink noisily by inhaling a liquid or soft food, such as soup or noodles, often with a distinctive, impolite sound
slapnout, srknout