Slovesa Pohybu - Slovesa pro pohyb pryč od něčeho
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na odklon od něčeho, jako je „odejít“, „odejít“ a „utéct“.
to leave a location, particularly to go on a trip or journey
odjet, odejít
to leave somewhere such as a room, building, etc.
vyjít, opustit
to leave one's own country in order to live in a foreign country
to leave without taking someone or something with one
nechat za sebou, opustit
to leave somewhere with something that one does not own
utéct s, utekli s
to leave suddenly, especially to show discontent
náhle odejít, vystoupit
to leave quickly, often in order to escape or avoid someone or something
utéct, prchnout
to leave abruptly or hurriedly, especially to avoid a difficult or awkward situation
utekat, zmizet
to move hurriedly, especially to escape or to leave a place abruptly
prchnout, odejít
to leave a place, especially because it is difficult or dangerous to stay
opustit, opouštět
to abandon or leave a place, typically suddenly or without intending to return
opustit, dezertovat
to leave a place to be safe from a dangerous situation
evakuovat, opustit
to move out of or exit a place that one previously occupied
vyklidit, opustit
to escape from or suddenly leave a specific place, situation, or person, often in a hurried manner
utéct, uprchnout
to move away from something quickly, often with a sense of urgency or as a response to danger
utekat, létat
to leave or run away hastily, often with the intention of avoiding trouble, responsibility, or capture
utéct, zmizet
to depart quietly and without being noticed
vyklouznout, ulejt
to escape from a person who is holding one
osvobodit se, utéci
to secretly flee from a place, typically to avoid arrest or prosecution
utéct, zmizet
to move at a greater speed than someone or something
předběhnout, předehnat
to run away secretly and marry one's partner
utéct, odejít a vzít se
to move back or withdraw from a previous position or state
ustupovat, klesat
to reposition oneself to avoid facing a particular individual or object
odvrátit se, otočit se