Slovní Zásoba pro IELTS (Akademická) - History
Zde se dozvíte některá anglická slovíčka o historii, jako je „explorer“, „civilization“, „monument“ atd., která jsou potřebná ke zkoušce IELTS.
the usual set of clothes that are worn in a particular country or period of history
kostým, tradiční oděv
a person who visits unknown places to find out more about them
průzkumník, objevitel
related to the study or depiction of events, people, or objects from the past
historický, týkající se historie
a church with buildings connected to it in which a group of monks or nuns live or used to live
a period of history identified with a particular event
epochy, doba
a person whose job is to study ancient societies using facts, objects, buildings, etc. remaining in excavation sites
a society that has developed its own culture and institutions in a particular period of time or place
civilizace, společnost
(geology) a subdivision of time that divides eon into smaller units
era, období
the states or countries that are ruled under a single authority by a single government or monarch
someone who studies or records historical events
historik, historik
the point or place where something has its foundation or beginning
původ, začátek
a story involving the ancient history of a people, usually about heroes and supernatural events that could be unreal
a place or building that is historically important
památka, historická budova
the fundamental change of power, government, etc. in a country by people, particularly involving violence
revoluce, vzpoura
a stone monument built in ancient Egypt usually as a tomb for the pharaohs, which has a triangular or square base that slopes up to the top
(plural) the remains of something such as a building after it has been seriously damaged or destroyed
zříceniny, pozůstatky
a period during which an open war is underway
válečné období, čas války
the people that a person is descended from
předci, rodokmen
people in the highest class of society who have a lot of power and wealth and usually high ranks and titles
the study of past events for the purpose of determining the order by which they occurred
a structure or town that has been designed for military defense against enemy attacks
pevnost, hrad
a person or thing that is next in line to someone or something else
následník, následnice
referring to the previous state or condition of an object, organization, or place, which has since changed
bývalý, předchozí
used to refer to a date that is after the birth of Jesus Christ
po Kristu, křesťanského letopočtu
marking the years before Christ's supposed birth
před Kristem, před naším letopočtem
an era in European history, between about AD 1000 and AD 1500, when the authority of kings, people of high rank, and the Christian Church was unquestionable
středověk, v období středověku