Einwürfe - Einwürfe der Überraschung
Diese Interjektionen werden in Kontexten verwendet, in denen der Sprecher starke Gefühle der Überraschung und des Erstaunens mit unterschiedlichem Formalitätsgrad ausdrücken möchte.
used to express sudden realization, understanding, or surprise
used to express a strong feeling of surprise, wonder, admiration, or amazement
used to express one's surprise or bewilderment
Heiliger Strohsack!
said when one is surprised, shocked, or amazed
Heiliger Strohsack!
used to express extreme surprise, shock, disbelief, or astonishment
Heilige Scheiße!
used to express astonishment, surprise, or amazement
Heiliger Strohsack!
used to express surprise, astonishment, or excitement
Heiliges Kanonenrohr!
used to express a strong reaction to something surprising or unexpected
Das gibt's doch nicht!
used in response to unexpected or circumstances to express surprise
Mein Gott!
used to express surprise, disbelief, or amazement about something that has just been said or observed
Na sowas!
used to express surprise, astonishment, or disbelief
Wow! Ich kann nicht glauben
used to express strong surprise, disbelief, or astonishment
Ich glaub's nicht!
used to express one's surprise or bafflement at something unexpected or remarkable
Sieh da
used to express a variety of emotions, including surprise and disbelief
Mein Gott!
used to convey genuine surprise or interest in response to something someone has just said
Kein Scherz?
used to express surprise, astonishment, or disbelief
Mein Gott!
used to express disbelief or surprise at a situation, event, or statement
Was zum Teufel!
used to express surprise or disbelief, sometimes ironically
Sag bloß!