Lista de Palabras Nivel B1 - Guerra y Paz
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés sobre la guerra y la paz, como "army", "military", "command", etc. preparadas para estudiantes de B1.
Tarjetas de memoria
a group of trained and organized people such as the police, soldiers, etc.

fuerza, cuerpo

a military clash between two nations or countries, usually one that lasts long

an object that can physically harm someone or something, such as a gun, bomb, knife, etc.

to break apart violently and noisily in a way that causes destruction

explotar, estallar

a sudden, forceful release of energy due to a chemical or nuclear reaction, causing rapid expansion of gases, loud noise, and often destruction

characterized by or involving a great deal of violence and bloodshed

sangriento, bárbaro

the action or process of causing significant damage to something, rendering it unable to exist or continue in its normal state

an explosive weapon capable of hitting a target over long distances, which can be controlled remotely

a long gun that can shoot multiple small bullets at one time, suitable for hunting animals such as birds

escopeta, fusil de caza