Opinie - Criticism
Stăpânește idiomuri englezești cu privire la critică, cum ar fi „fie pe partea care primește” și „aruncă apă rece pe”.
Fișe de studiu
a sharp expression of one's disapproval or criticism of someone as a result of their action or behavior
to angrily warn or threaten someone so that they will not make the same mistake
to severely criticize someone because of their mistake
to violently criticize or punish a person over what they did or said
to strongly criticize someone or something for something bad that has happened
(of criticisms or warnings) failing to have any effect on a person
to experience the effects or consequences of actions, often from others
used to refer to the act of doing something with a lot of energy and excitement
to demotivate a person by talking negatively about their plans or opinions
used when someone is criticizing another for a fault that they have as well