Overeenstemming en Onenigheid - Contractbreuk of annulering
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met contractbreuk of annulering, zoals "intrekken", "verlopen" en "overtreden".
to terminate an agreement, right, law, custom, etc. in an official manner

afschaffen, annuleren

the act of officially abolishing or ending a law, agreement, etc.

afschaffing, vernietiging

the violation of terms agreed on in a contract

contractbreuk, overtreding van het contract

the ending of an agreement, particularly a legal one

annulering, opzegging

the formal ending of a business agreement, marriage, parliament, organization, etc.

ontbinding, beëindiging

(of a document, contract, etc.) to no longer be legally recognized because of reaching the end of validity period

verlopen, aflopen

the end of a period of time during which a document or agreement is valid

verval, vervaldatum

to legally invalidate an agreement, decision, etc.

nietig verklaren, ongeldig maken

to officially cancel a law, regulation, or policy, making it no longer valid or in effect

herroepen, annuleren

the formal cancelation of a law, agreement, or order

ontbinding, annulering

the cancelation of a law, agreement, or decision

herroeping, intrekking

(of a document or agreement) to not be valid anymore

verlopen, niet meer geldig zijn

an end to an agreement or good relations between people, states, etc.

breuk, scheiding

the end of a specific period of time, particularly one that is expected to last

termijn, periode

the fact of being brought to an end; the action of putting an end to something

beëindiging, afhandeling

a person, organization, or government, etc. that breaches a law, agreement, etc. or disrespects someone's rights

overtreder, schender