موافقت و مخالفت - فسخ قرارداد یا ابطال
در اینجا با برخی از کلمات انگلیسی مرتبط با نقض قرارداد یا فسخ قرارداد مانند "لغو"، "انقضا" و "نقض" آشنا خواهید شد.
املای کلمه
to terminate an agreement, right, law, custom, etc. in an official manner
ملغی کردن, فسخ کردن
the formal ending of a business agreement, marriage, parliament, organization, etc.
to formally end an official or business assembly
منحل کردن, فسخ کردن، لغو کردن
to bring something to a conclusion or stop it from continuing
تمام کردن, متوقف کردن
(of a document, contract, etc.) to no longer be legally recognized because of reaching the end of validity period
منقضی شدن, به پایان رسیدن (تاریخ انقضا)
to legally invalidate an agreement, decision, etc.
باطل کردن, بیاثر کردن، ملغی کردن
to officially cancel a law, regulation, or policy, making it no longer valid or in effect
فسخ کردن, لغو کردن
an end to an agreement or good relations between people, states, etc.
جدایی, گسستگی
to cause an agreement or relation to be breached
برهم زدن (روابط، توافق و...), از بین بردن
the end of a specific period of time, particularly one that is expected to last
the fact of being brought to an end; the action of putting an end to something
to disobey or break a regulation, an agreement, etc.
نقض کردن, تجاوز کردن، تخطی کردن
a person, organization, or government, etc. that breaches a law, agreement, etc. or disrespects someone's rights
متخلف, ناقض
to not do something one has promised or agreed to do
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