جامعه، قانون و سیاست - سرپیچی از هنجارها
اصطلاحات انگلیسی مربوط به سرپیچی از هنجارها را با مثال هایی مانند "سرزمین راهزن" و "رشد رتبه" کاوش کنید.
to do something that is not strictly according to rules, often by making exceptions

قانون را دور زدن, در تبعیت از قانون استثنا قائل شدن
in a situation where there is clear proof of one's crime or wrongdoing

حین ارتکاب جرم, سربزنگاه
a situation in which one is responsible for the death of a person

مقصر مرگ کسی (بودن), مسئول مرگ کسی (بودن)
a piece of evidence that is used to prove someone's crimes or wrong deeds

دلیل و مدرک قطعی, مدرک جرم
to confront someone very powerful or dangerous in their area of control and strength, where they hold the advantage

به لانه شیر رفتن
to publicly oppose a group or party that one has been a member of

صف خود را از حزب یا گروهی جدا کردن, اعلام برائت کردن، به حزب یا گروه خود مخالفت نشان دادن
to illegally punish someone in a way that one personally thinks is right or just, often by the use of violence

شخصا قانون را برای کسی اجرا کردن, خود مجری قانون شدن
used to refer to a situation in which people are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed

قانون جنگل
to try to unfairly move past a group of people lining up somewhere before one's turn arrives

صف را رعایت نکردن, از صف جلو زدن
used for saying that a free or unreasonably cheap product is not obtained legally

(کالا) دزدی, سرقتی
(of a person) not attending a place one was supposed to or leaving an obligation without any notice or permission

غایب (غیر موجه)
an unannounced and unauthorized absence from a job, workplace, or other commitment

غیبت غیر موجه
to secretly put a drug in a person's drink in order to make them unconscious

کسی را چیزخور کردن, به کسی مواد مخدر خوراندن