
المجتمع، القانون و السياسة - تحدي الأعراف

استكشف المصطلحات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بتحدي الأعراف من خلال أمثلة مثل "منطقة قطاع الطرق" و"كسر الرتب".




بطاقات الفلاش


اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
English idioms related to Society, Law & Politics
to bend the rules

to do something that is not strictly according to rules, often by making exceptions

dead to rights

in a situation where there is clear proof of one's crime or wrongdoing

blood on one's hands

a situation in which one is responsible for the death of a person

smoking gun

a piece of evidence that is used to prove someone's crimes or wrong deeds

دليل قاطع, إثبات واضح

دليل قاطع, إثبات واضح

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to beard the lion in his den

to confront someone very powerful or dangerous in their area of control and strength, where they hold the advantage

to break ranks

to publicly oppose a group or party that one has been a member of

to take the law into one's (own) hands

to illegally punish someone in a way that one personally thinks is right or just, often by the use of violence

to jump the light

to ignore red traffic lights and move past them

the law of the jungle

used to refer to a situation in which people are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed

bandit territory

a place in which rules and laws are not followed or obeyed

إقليم اللصوص, منطقة الفوضى

إقليم اللصوص, منطقة الفوضى

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to jump the line

to try to unfairly move past a group of people lining up somewhere before one's turn arrives

off the back of a truck

used for saying that a free or unreasonably cheap product is not obtained legally


(of a person) not attending a place one was supposed to or leaving an obligation without any notice or permission

غائب بدون إذن, الهارب

غائب بدون إذن, الهارب

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French leave

an unannounced and unauthorized absence from a job, workplace, or other commitment

غياب غير مبرر, انقطاع غير مصرح به

غياب غير مبرر, انقطاع غير مصرح به

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to slip somebody a Mickey (Finn)

to secretly put a drug in a person's drink in order to make them unconscious

pink elephants

a vivid and often bizarre hallucination that a person may experience, typically as a result of heavy drinking or drug use

فيلة وردية

فيلة وردية

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out of season

at a time when it is illegal to hunt an animal

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