
حقیقت، رازداری و فریب - بدیهی بودن

به اصطلاحات انگلیسی در رابطه با بدیهی بودن، مانند "ایستادن به دلیل" و "بلند و واضح" شیرجه بزنید.







شروع یادگیری
English idioms relate to Truth, Secrecy, & Deception
in broad daylight

at a time when everyone can witness something

در روز روشن (کنایه از علنی بودن)

در روز روشن (کنایه از علنی بودن)

loud and clear

clearly and without causing any confusion

کاملا واضح و روشن

کاملا واضح و روشن

(as) clear as day

in a way that can obviously be seen or easily understood

مثل روز روشن (بودن)

مثل روز روشن (بودن)

in plain English

written or stated simply and clearly

به زبان ساده

به زبان ساده

a mile away

in a way that is easy to notice or recognize someone or something

واضح و مبرهن

واضح و مبرهن

under one's nose

used when something is either obvious or within one's field of vision but one does not notice it

جلوی چشم

جلوی چشم

to stick out like a sore thumb

to be noticeably different from other people or things, often in a way that is unpleasant or embarrassing

به‌طور ناخوشایندی جلب توجه کردن

به‌طور ناخوشایندی جلب توجه کردن

(as) plain as a pikestaff

not difficult at all to understand or see

کاملا واضح

کاملا واضح

(as) plain as the nose on one's face

really easy to understand or notice

واضح و بدیهی

واضح و بدیهی

crystal clear

expressed or explained very easily and clearly

واضح و روشن

واضح و روشن

to stand out a mile

to be extremely easy to notice

تابلو بودن

تابلو بودن

for all (the world) to see

in a way that everyone can see or know about what is happening

جلوی چشم همه

جلوی چشم همه

to stand to reason

to state that something is logical or reasonable based on the available evidence or common sense

بیانگر چیزی بودن

بیانگر چیزی بودن

thinly veiled

used to refer to something that is poorly hidden

کاملا مشخص

کاملا مشخص

to have sth written all over it

to demonstrate a particular fact or characteristic in a very clear way

کاملا مشخص نشان دادن

کاملا مشخص نشان دادن

written all over one's face

(a person's emotions or thoughts) clearly visible through their facial expression, body language, or behavior

از چهره کسی کاملا پیدا بودن

از چهره کسی کاملا پیدا بودن

open secret

something that was supposed to be kept from others but is not anymore

راز فاش شده

راز فاش شده

دانلود اپلیکشن LanGeek