
مفاهیم و احساسات - قضاوت و ارزیابی

کشف کنید که چگونه ضرب المثل های انگلیسی مانند "مقایسه نفرت انگیز است" و "نفرت به اندازه عشق کور است" قضاوت و ارزیابی را به زبان انگلیسی به تصویر می کشد.







شروع یادگیری
Notions & Feelings
blind men can judge no colors

used to imply that someone who lacks knowledge or experience in a particular area cannot make accurate judgments or opinions about it

مردان نابینا نمی توانند هیچ رنگی را قضاوت کنند

مردان نابینا نمی توانند هیچ رنگی را قضاوت کنند

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judge not, that ye be not judged

used to advise people to avoid being critical or judgmental of others, as they may be judged in the same manner themselves, encouraging compassion and understanding instead

the devil is not so black as he is painted

used to suggest that things or people are often not as bad as they seem or as they are portrayed

شیطان آنقدر سیاه نیست که او را نقاشی کرده اند

شیطان آنقدر سیاه نیست که او را نقاشی کرده اند

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comparisons are odious 

used to suggest that comparing people or things is often unproductive and can lead to negative feelings or judgments

fools and bairns should never see (a) half done work

used to imply that unfinished work should not be shown to inexperienced or uninformed individuals, as it may lead to negative perceptions or incorrect assumptions about the final outcome

احمق ها و بچه ها هرگز نباید کار نیمه تمام را ببینند

احمق ها و بچه ها هرگز نباید کار نیمه تمام را ببینند

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there are two sides to every question

used to imply that individuals should be open-minded and consider different perspectives before making a judgment or decision

هر سوالی دو طرف دارد

هر سوالی دو طرف دارد

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every horse thinks its own pack is (the) heaviest

used to imply that people tend to believe that their problems, responsibilities, or burdens are more difficult than those of others, and may lack empathy towards others' struggles

هر اسبی فکر می کند کوله خودش سنگین ترین است

هر اسبی فکر می کند کوله خودش سنگین ترین است

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first impressions are the most lasting

used to suggest that the way people perceive someone or something during their initial encounter can have a strong and lasting impact on their opinion

تاثیرات اولیه ماندگارترین هستند

تاثیرات اولیه ماندگارترین هستند

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one swallow does not make a summer

used to suggest that a single positive event or piece of evidence is not enough to establish a pattern or draw a definitive conclusion

با یک گل بهار نمی‌شود

با یک گل بهار نمی‌شود

hatred is (just) as blind as love

used to imply that intense emotions, whether they be love or hatred, can cloud one's judgment and make one unable of seeing things objectively

نفرت به اندازه عشق کور است

نفرت به اندازه عشق کور است

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whoever writes a book, should be ready to accept criticism

used to suggest that those who create or present their work to the public should be willing to listen to criticism and feedback and use it to improve the quality of their work

کسی که کتاب می نویسد باید آماده پذیرش انتقاد باشد

کسی که کتاب می نویسد باید آماده پذیرش انتقاد باشد

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(you) show me the man, and I will show you the rule

used to imply that a person's behavior reflects their character, emphasizing the ability to make judgments about a person based on their actions

تو آن مرد را به من نشان می دهی و من قانون را به تو نشان خواهم داد

تو آن مرد را به من نشان می دهی و من قانون را به تو نشان خواهم داد

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do not judge a man until you have walked (a mile) in his shoes

used to encourage empathy and understanding by emphasizing that an individual should not judge or criticize someone's situation or behavior without experiencing it themselves

یک مرد را تا زمانی که یک مایل در کفش او راه نرفته اید قضاوت نکنید

یک مرد را تا زمانی که یک مایل در کفش او راه نرفته اید قضاوت نکنید

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