Lényeges Szókincs a GRE-hez - Egy csepp a tengerben
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót a földrajzról, mint például "patak", "glacial", "flóra" stb., amelyek a GRE vizsgához szükségesek.
a lake, either natural or artificial, from which water is supplied to houses

tározó, víztároló

a large body of land that is partially surrounded by water but is attached to a larger area of land

félsziget, fősziget

a small, natural watercourse or stream; typically characterized by a gentle and continuous flow

patak, folyás

a layer of matter that has been accumulated, particularly by a body of water

lerakódás, üledék

regarding conditions situated near the earth's equator; marked by warm temperatures and relatively equal day and night lengths throughout the year

egyenlítői, egyenlítő

relating to a large mass of compressed ice like those near the poles or on mountains

gleccser, jég

an open and high land covered with grass, bushes and heather

magasföld, gyepes terület

an area of land, particularly in reference to its physical or natural features

terület, földfelszín

a structure built along the water's edge; often with a platform for ships to load and unload goods

rakpart, móló

a low-lying piece of land between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it

völgy, völgység

(of land or a climate) very dry because of not having enough or any rain

aszályos, száraz

a natural or man-made structure built along a river or waterway to prevent flooding by confining the water within its boundaries

gát, tölcsér

the upper layer of trees in a forest that creates a dense cover with interlocking leaves; offering shade and shelter in the ecosystem

fakupola, lombkorona

a plant-like organism that often grows on organic matter and has no flowers or leaves, such as moulds and mushrooms

gomba, fungus

(of plants) lasting for several years, often returning and flowering repeatedly during its life cycle

évelő, többéves

to deposit pollen on a plant or flower so that it can produce new seeds or fruit

beporozni, korpásítani

a new growth on a tree or plant or the part of a plant that starts to appear above the ground because it is growing

hajtás, növekedés

(of an object) able to be broken down by living organisms such as bacteria, which is then safe for the environment

biológiailag lebomló

to make a place, substance, etc. dirty or harmful by adding dangerous material

szennyezni, kìrni

related to the connection between animals, plants, and humans and their environment

ökológiai, környezeti

liquid waste or sewage discharged into rivers, lakes, or the sea

szennyezett víz, szennyvíz

(of a vehicle) not producing gases harmful to the environment

nulla kibocsátású, kibocsátásmentes

in relation to activities that minimize disruption to ecosystems; emphasizing sustainability and reduced ecological footprint

alacsony hatású, kismértékű hatású

a small amount of rain, snow, etc. that moves in a quick and stormy way and lasts only for a short period of time

kisebb havazás, hamarosan véget érő hóesés

a period in the summer during which wind blows and rain falls in India or other hot South Asian countries

monszun, monszun szezon

a period during which the weather becomes warmer causing snow and ice to melt

olvadás, thaw