Alapvető Főnevek - Zöldségek
Itt megtanulhatod az angol főneveket, amelyek zöldségekkel kapcsolatosak, mint például "sárgarépa," "spenót," és "retek."
a round vegetable that grows beneath the ground, has light brown skin, and is used cooked or fried

burgonya, krumpli

a soft and round fruit that is red and is used a lot in salads and many other foods


a vegetable with a thick stem and clusters of edible flower buds, typically green in color


dark and wide green leaves of an Asian plant that can be eaten cooked or uncooked


a tall plant with large yellow seeds that grow together on a cob, which is cooked and eaten as a vegetable or animal food


a type of vegetable having a strong smell and spicy flavor that is used in cooking


an aromatic plant with curly green leaves, used for garnishing food or in cooking


the swollen yellow root of a plant of the cabbage family, used in cooking

rutabag, téli retek

a round green vegetable with a cluster of thick green leaves that form a bud, used in cooking


a large round vegetable with thick white, green or purple leaves, eaten raw or cooked


the flower head of a plant from the cabbage family that is white in color and is eaten as a vegetable


a type of lettuce with crisp leaves that are pale green in color and form a round ball


a small round green vegetable from the cabbage family, used in cooking

bécsi kelbimbó

a peppery and leafy green vegetable commonly used in salads and as a garnish

rukola, saláta

a small hollow fruit, typically red or green, etc., used in cooking or eaten raw

paprika, édes paprika

the red or green fruit of a particular type of pepper plant, used in cooking for its hot taste

chili, paprika

a young onion taken from the ground before the root is formed, with a long green stem, eaten as a vegetable

hagymahajtás, tavaszi hagyma

a vegetable similar to a potato in shape that has a sweet taste and white flesh

édesburgonya, batáta

a vegetable with white or red leaf stalks and large green leaves, used in cooking

cikória, svájci cékla

a blue-flowered herb of the daisy family, the root of which can be used with coffee and the leaves of which eaten in a salad

cikória, mezei cikória

a leafy green vegetable with slightly bitter taste, often used in salads or cooked dishes


a type of green vegetable that is long and thin and is used in cooking

zöldbab, zöld hüvely

a plant of the onion family with layers of green leaves and a white stem, used in cooking


a plant that grows in running water with pungent green leaves that are used in cooking

víziborsó, vízhez kötött

the white root of a plant of the parsley family with a sweet taste that is used in cooking


a type of onion plant producing small clustered mild-flavored bulbs used as seasoning


the slender leaves of a plant closely related to the onion, with purple flowers, that is used as a culinary herb


a small-sized variety of tomato known for its sweet flavor and small, round shapees

cseresznyeparadicsom, kicsi paradicsom