Bahan Makanan - Susu dan Krim
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan susu dan krim seperti "clotted cream", "kefir", dan "buttermilk".
Kartu flash
the white liquid we get from cows, sheep, or goats that we drink and use for making cheese, butter, etc.
a type of dairy product where the fat particles are evenly dispersed throughout the milk to create a consistent texture
susu yang dihomogenisasi
a type of milk that has been heated to a specific temperature to kill harmful bacteria while preserving its nutritional properties
susu pasteurisasi
a type of milk that has been heated just below its boiling point
susu mendidih
a type of milk that is thickened and sweetened, sold in cans
susu kental
a type of milk that has had about 60% of its water content removed through a heating process
susu evaporasi
a sweet mixture of sugar and milk heated until golden brown, used in desserts and confections
susu karamel
milk that is heated to the point of dryness, made in the form of powder
susu bubuk
a specially prepared nutritional substance, typically in liquid or powder form, designed to provide essential nutrients for infants
the liquid portion of milk that remains after the curds have been separated, commonly used for its nutritional properties
air dadih
the liquid left after butter has been produced, which can be drunk or used in cooking
the thin layer that forms on heated milk, used in dishes like custards and puddings
kulit susu
the thick, fatty part of milk that rises to the top when you let milk sit
krim susu
a thick cream that is made by gradually heating whole milk until lumps of cream rise to the top, originally made in the UK
Cream bergumpal
cream that has been beaten by a mixer or whisk until it becomes light and fluffy
susu kental yg dikocok
a rich and thick dairy product with a high fat content, perfect for adding luxurious texture to desserts and sauces
krim ganda
a thinner, pourable cream with a lower fat content compared to double cream
a creamy dairy product made from boiled or raw milk, used as a spread, topping, or ingredient in Middle Eastern and Balkan cuisines
a light cream that is produced from regular cream and lactic acid bacteria
susu asam
a soft, yellow food made from cream that we spread on bread or use in cooking
a thickened and curdled milk resulting from natural fermentation
susu asam
a fermented dairy drink with probiotic properties, made from milk and kefir grains, used for drinking or cooking
a soft or hard food made from milk that is usually yellow or white in color
a yogurt-based Turkish beverage, often flavored with herbs or spices, consumed as a drink or condiment
a thick creamy sauce made with milk, eggs, sugar, flour or corn flour that is served hot on top of puddings, fruits, etc.
puding susu manis
a tangy, creamy French cultured cream used in cooking, baking, or as a condiment
krim fraiche
a type of milk that has not undergone any pasteurization or homogenization processes
susu mentah
a type of milk with a reduced fat content, typically containing around 1-2% fat
susu semi-skim
a type of milk that contains the natural proportion of milk fat, usually around 3.5% fat content
a dairy product that is made by combining equal parts of milk and cream
setengah setengah
a white and creamy liquid made from coconut flesh, used as a substitute for dairy milk
a classic French sauce made by browning butter and adding lemon juice and parsley
mentega meuniere
milk from which almost all the fat content has been removed
susu tanpa rum