
同意と反対 - 説得と調停

ここでは「peacemaker」「reason with」「nobble」など、説得や調停に関係する英単語を学びます。









Words Related to Agreement and Disagreement
to mediate

to help end a dispute between people by trying to find something on which everyone agrees

仲裁する, 調停する

仲裁する, 調停する

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the process or act of helping those involved in a conflict reach an agreement

仲裁, 調停

仲裁, 調停

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an organization or person who tries to help those in a conflict reach an agreement

仲介者, 調停者

仲介者, 調停者

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someone who, as a job, helps opposing sides come to an agreement

モデレーター, 仲介者

モデレーター, 仲介者

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to nobble

to persuade someone to do what one wants by threatening them or giving them money

賄賂を渡す, 脅す

賄賂を渡す, 脅す

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someone who tries to stop others from fighting or quarreling

平和維持者, 平和の守護者

平和維持者, 平和の守護者

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a country or person who tries to persuade other countries or people to stop quarreling or fighting

平和主義者, 仲介者

平和主義者, 仲介者

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to persuade

to make a person do something through reasoning or other methods

説得する, 納得させる

説得する, 納得させる

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the process or act of persuading someone to do or believe something particular



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capable of convincing others to do or believe something particular

説得力のある, 納得させる

説得力のある, 納得させる

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to press

to try very hard to persuade someone to do something

圧力をかける, 押し迫る

圧力をかける, 押し迫る

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to pressure

to make someone do something by using force, influence, or other methods

圧力をかける, 強要する

圧力をかける, 強要する

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the use of influence or demands to persuade or force someone to do something

圧力, プレッシャー

圧力, プレッシャー

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to pressurize

to force someone to do something

圧力をかける, 強制する

圧力をかける, 強制する

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to prevail on

to persuade and convince a person to do something

説得する, 誘う

説得する, 誘う

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to push

to force someone to do something, particularly against their will

押す, 強制する

押す, 強制する

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to reason with

to talk to someone to convince them to act or think more rationally

説得する, 話し合う

説得する, 話し合う

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to seduce

to influence someone to do something by making it seem interesting or pleasant



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silver tongue

the ability of persuading others to believe something or do something that one wants

銀の舌, 説得力

銀の舌, 説得力

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skilled at persuading others to believe something or do what one wants

口がうまい, 説得力がある

口がうまい, 説得力がある

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talking with confidence and politeness in order to persuade someone to do something, in a manner that might be insincere or dishonest

スムーズトークの, おしゃべりな

スムーズトークの, おしゃべりな

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to soften up

to be kind to someone with the intention of increasing the chances of them agreeing to one's request

和らげる, 優しく接する

和らげる, 優しく接する

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to sway

to encourage someone to do or believe something

影響を与える, 説得する

影響を与える, 説得する

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to sweeten

to attempt to persuade someone to do what one wants by promising them something or giving something to them

甘くする, 魅惑する

甘くする, 魅惑する

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to talk into

to convince someone to do something they do not want to do

説得する, 話し込む

説得する, 話し込む

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to talk out of

to advise someone against doing something

やめさせる, 思いとどまらせる

やめさせる, 思いとどまらせる

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to tempt

to make someone do something that seems interesting, despite them knowing it might be wrong or not good for them

誘惑する, そそのかす

誘惑する, そそのかす

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to twist one's arm

to force or persuade someone to do something they are unwilling to do

to urge

to persistently try to motivate or support someone, particularly to pursue their goals

促す, 励ます

促す, 励ます

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to wheedle

to influence someone to do something or to get something from them by being superficially nice to them

言いくるめる, おだてる

言いくるめる, おだてる

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to win round

to persuade someone to agree with or support one's viewpoint

説得する, 味方につける

説得する, 味方につける

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to win over

to try to change someone's opinion on something and gain their favor or support

説得する, 勝ち取る

説得する, 勝ち取る

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to work on

to attempt to persuade someone to do or agree to something

説得する, 働きかける

説得する, 働きかける

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