B1 Woordenlijst - Recht en politiek
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden over recht en politiek, zoals "border", "council", "election", enz., voorbereid voor B1-leerlingen.
a set of ideas and activities involved in governing a country, state, or city


someone who is competing in an election or for a job position

kandidaat, kandidate

a line that separates two countries, provinces, or states from each other

grens, limiet

(in some countries) the group of people who have been elected to make laws, which in the US it consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate

congres, assemblee

a group of elected people who govern a city, town, etc.

raad, gemeenteraad

(in the US) one of the areas into which a state is divided and has a local government of its own

county, district

the job, skill, or act of managing the relationships between different countries


the process in which people choose a person or group of people for a position, particularly a political one, through voting


to choose a person for a specific job, particularly a political one, by voting

verkiezen, kiezen

a group of people who officially represent their government in another country


the group of politicians in control of a country or state

regering, bestuur

the government of a city or town and not of a country

lokale overheid, gemeentebestuur

the group of elected representatives whose responsibility is to create, amend, and discuss laws or address political matters

parlement, vergadering

an official political group with shared beliefs, goals, and policies aiming to be a part of or form a government

politieke partij, politieke groepering

related to or involving the governance of a country or territory


the act of making someone suffer because they have done something illegal or wrong

straf, sanctie

a thing that someone is legally, officially, or morally allowed to do or have


(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal

arresteren, vastnemen

one of the political areas with limited law-making abilities that together form a federal country, like those of Germany or the US

staat, federale eenheid

to try to find the truth about a crime, accident, etc. by carefully examining its facts

onderzoeken, verkennen

to cause someone suffering for breaking the law or having done something they should not have

straffen, bestraffen

someone who steals something from a person or place without using violence or threats

dief, rover

to show which candidate one wants to win in an election or which plan one supports, by marking a piece of paper, raising one's hand, etc.

stemmen, een stem uitbrengen

an official meeting where a group of people discuss a certain matter, which often continues for days

conferentie, symposium

an official announcement regarding something specific

verklaring, mededeling

a piece of cloth with a mark or pattern that stands for a country, organization, etc.

vlag, banier

an amount of money given by law to the close relatives of a murdered victim

bloedgeld, compensatie voor moord

the punishment of killing a criminal, which is officially ordered by a court

de doodstraf, doodstraf