Zaawansowane Słownictwo do TOEFL - Wątpliwość i pewność
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z wątpliwościami i pewnością, takich jak „cinch”, „scruple”, „decisive” itp., które są potrzebne do egzaminu TOEFL.
to make certain of or to guarantee something
zagwarantować, zapewnić
to guess or deduce information through intuition or a sense of inner knowledge
zgadywać, przewidywać
to estimate something by calculating and guessing
oszacować, szacować na podstawie zgadnięć
to state an opinion, guess, suggestion, etc. even though there are chances of one being wrong
zaryzykować, snuć domysły
to hesitate or be dubious about doing something that one thinks might be wrong or immoral
wahać się, zastanawiać się
to come to a conclusion without enough evidence
przypuszczać, domniemywać
to give good reasons to justify a particular action
uzasadniać, dowodzić
unquestionably true in a way that there is no need for proof
aksjomatyczny, oczywisty
referring to something that has several possible meanings, often deliberately set that way
niejednoznaczny, dwuznaczny
(of a statement or story) unlikely to be authentic, even though it is widely believed to be true
apokryficzny, wątpliwy
(of a situation, movie, etc.) having an unclear ending that makes it enticing
napięty, fascynujący
able to make decisions quickly and confidently
decyzyjny, stanowczy
being convinced that everything one believes in is true and others are wrong
dogmatyczny, nieustępliwy
deliberately not having one obvious meaning and therefore open to interpretation, often intended to deceive
niejednoznaczny, dwuznaczny
acting or talking with hesitation due to uncertainty or lack of confidence
wahanie, niepewny
true in a way that leaves no room for denial or disagreement
niewątpliwy, niepodważalny
generally perceived to exist or be the case despite being uncertain
uznawany, reputowany
unable to decide between two opinions, possibilities, etc.
wahanie, niepewny
a feeling of hopefulness and confidence that makes one remain cheerful, especially in sad or unpleasant situations
nadzieja, optymizm
an idea that is based on guesswork and not facts
hipoteza, przypuszczenie
shyness due to a lack of confidence in oneself
nieśmiałość, wstydliwość
a guess that is made according to one's experience or knowledge thus is more likely to be true
edukowane przypuszczenie, przypuszczenie na podstawie wiedzy
something that is assumed to be true or already decided upon before any evidence or arguments are presented
przewidywalny wniosek, konkluzja z góry ustalona
an unpleasant, sad, or difficult situation
trudna sytuacja, niedola
a state of being perplexed or uncertain about how to proceed in a situation that is difficult
dylemat, zakłopotanie
the lack of clear expression, knowing, describing, or decision
niejasność, niewyrazistość