Lista de Palavras Nível C1 - Plantas e Vegetação
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre plantas e vegetação, como “blossom”, “pétala”, “maple”, etc. preparadas para alunos C1.
a flower or a lot of flowers, particularly on a bush or a fruit tree

flor, floração

the stiff and hollow stem of some tall plants such as sugar cane or bamboo

cana, caule

a part of a plant that is cut off so that it can be grown into a new plant

um estaca, um corte

(biology) any of the groups that plants, animals, etc. with similar characteristics are divided into, which is larger than a species and smaller than a family

gênero, grupo

plants without true roots, leaves, or stems, which grow in or near a body of water, such as seaweeds


a plant-like organism that often grows on organic matter and has no flowers or leaves, such as moulds and mushrooms

fungo, cogumelo

a tall tree, growing in northern countries, with leaves that have five points that turn gold or red in the fall


a long and narrow casing filled with seeds that grows on some specific plants, such as beans and peas

vagem, cápsula

trees and plants in general, particularly those of a specific habitat or area

vegetação, flora

a decorative container placed outside a window in which people grow flowers and other plants

caixa de janela, caixa de flores

to deposit pollen on a plant or flower so that it can produce new seeds or fruit

polinizar, fecundar

(biology) the process of producing plant seeds by transferring a powdery substance from one plant to the other

polinização, fecundação

a new growth on a tree or plant or the part of a plant that starts to appear above the ground because it is growing

brotos, rebento

a large Mexican garden plant with brightly colored flowers, which usually has the shape of a ball


a small tree or bush with red stems and pink or red berries

corno, árvore de dogwood

a climbing plant with fragrant flowers that are pink, white, or yellow in color


a plant with long narrow leaves and large yellow or purple flowers

íris, planta de íris

a shrub or tree with purple, white, or pink flowers that are large in size and are also pleasant-smelling


a small tree with shiny leaves, blue-black berries and fragrant white flowers


a West Asian small tree with pink flowers and pear-shaped fruit

marmelo, marmeloiro