Relații - Neprietenie
Explorați idiomuri englezești referitoare la neprietenie cu exemple precum „could shoulder” și „on bad terms”.
Fișe de studiu
to quarrel or argue with someone
certându-se cu cineva
having a very bad relationship with someone and be able to make further interactions with them
având o relație foarte proastă cu cineva
to support or take care of someone who turns out to be untrustworthy or harmful, despite one's good intentions
sprijinirea pe cineva nedemn de încredere
used to say that two people, teams, organizations, etc. dislike one another
neavând o relație bună unul cu celălalt
a person who is only a friend during good times and is not supportive or reliable during difficult or challenging times
prieten de neîncredere
an attitude or behavior characterized by a lack of warmth, friendliness, or interest
to do something or act in a way that makes it impossible to return to previous situation or state
rupând toate legăturile trecute
a life that is full of fights and arguments
viata plina de argumente
to quickly and completely end a relationship or association with someone or something, usually due to negative or undesirable qualities or behaviors
ruperea legăturilor cu cineva sau ceva
to not tolerate or accept someone or something in a particular place or situation
a nu tolera pe cineva sau ceva