Kara Ulaşımı - Yol İnşaatı ve Bakımı
Burada otoyol altyapısı ve kavşaklarla ilgili "yol çalışması", "asfalt" ve "steamroller" gibi bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to apply a new coating or material to reconstruct the surface of something, especially a road or pavement

yüzey kaplamak, yenilemek

the construction or maintenance activities carried out on roads, highways, or streets

yol çalışmaları, yol yapım çalışmaları

an area on a road where workers are building or repairing something, such as bridges or highways

inşaat alanı, inşaat bölgesi

a thick, black, sticky substance used in road construction and maintenance for paving and sealing surfaces

çamur, asfalt

a type of road surface made of tar mixed with crushed stone, commonly used for runways and road

tarmac, asfalt

a black sticky substance which is the combination of dark bituminous pitch with sand or gravel, commonly used in building roads

the small, rounded stones used historically for paving streets and paths

kilit taşı, pavement taşı

a type of road construction that uses layers of compacted crushed stone, bound with tar or asphalt


a hard material used for building structures, made by mixing cement, water, sand, and small stones

a small, often deep, depression in a road surface caused by wear, weather, and traffic

çukur, kırık yol

a versatile heavy equipment machine with a digging bucket on the rear and a loader bucket on the front, commonly used in construction and utility work

kazıcı yükleyici
a heavy vehicle with a large, smooth roller used for flattening and compressing surfaces during road construction

yalnızca gücüyle asfaltlamak için kullanılan bir yolu sıkıştıran araç, asfalt silindiri

a type of heavy machinery used in construction and agriculture for lifting and transporting materials

ön yükleyici, yükleyici

a large, powerful vehicle with a wide steel blade at its front that is used to destroy buildings or move earth

a vehicle used in construction to lay asphalt or concrete on roads and pavements

yol serimi makinesi, paving makinesi

a heavy-duty vehicle with a bed that can be tilted or raised at the front, allowing it to unload its contents by tipping them out behind the truck

kamyonet, döner kubbe kamyon

the process of removing a layer of asphalt or concrete from a road or pavement surface

zemin frezesi, asfalt frezesi

a vehicle equipped with a tank and sprayer used to evenly distribute asphalt onto roads during construction or maintenance

asfalt distribütör kamyonu, asfalt yayma aracı

a heavy vehicle used in construction to level and smooth surfaces such as roads and foundations

grader, tesviye aracı

a vehicle or other piece of equipment used for clearing roads of snow

kar temizleme aracı
a large vehicle used for putting salt, sand or grit on the roads in winter when there is ice on them

tuz kamyonu, tuzlama aracı

a thin, nearly invisible layer of ice on a road surface, often causing dangerous driving conditions

siyah buz, gizli buz

to scatter small, rough particles like sand or salt on a road to make it less slippery and melt ice

serpmek, dağıtmak

a schematic representation that displays the layout, intersections, and distances along a specific route

doğru çizgi diyagramı, doğru hat şeması

a fictional or nonexistent street created on paper but not physically built

hayali sokak, kâğıt sokak