
الحياة اليومية - Sleep

اكتشف كيف ترتبط التعابير الإنجليزية مثل "hit the sack" و"forty Winks" بالنوم في اللغة الإنجليزية.




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اختبار قصير

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English idioms related to Everyday Life
to hit the sack

to rest one's mind and body, with one's eyes closed

to not sleep a wink

to get no sleep

to sleep like a baby

to manage to get a full sleep without anyone or anything interrupting

to toss and turn

to constlantly turn over to the sides due to having difficulty sleeping

to catch some Z's

to manage to get some sleep

down for the count

sleeping so soundly that one cannot be easily awakened

forty winks

a short, light nap or brief sleep taken to rest and regain energy

قيلولة قصيرة, غفوة خفيفة

قيلولة قصيرة, غفوة خفيفة

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to pound one's ear

to start going to sleep

to hit the hay

to get in bed for sleeping

early bird

someone who has a tendency to get up early every morning

طائر الصباح, شخص يستيقظ مبكراً

طائر الصباح, شخص يستيقظ مبكراً

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rise and shine

used to tell someone it is time to get up and get out of bed

night owl

a person who has a tendency to sleep very late at night

بومة ليلية, شخص سهر

بومة ليلية, شخص سهر

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in the land of the living

used to refer to someone who is completely awake and conscious

out like a light

(of a person) in a state of deep unconsciousness or sleep, typically due to extreme fatigue

to sleep like a log

to sleep very deeply

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