Vida Cotidiana - Sleep
Descubra cómo modismos ingleses como "hit the saco" y "forty winks" se relacionan con el sueño en inglés.
Tarjetas de memoria
to manage to get a full sleep without anyone or anything interrupting
to constlantly turn over to the sides due to having difficulty sleeping
a short, light nap or brief sleep taken to rest and regain energy
una siesta breve, un sueño ligero
someone who has a tendency to get up early every morning
madrugador, persona que se levanta temprano
used to tell someone it is time to get up and get out of bed
a person who has a tendency to sleep very late at night
ave nocturna, persona nocturna
used to refer to someone who is completely awake and conscious
(of a person) in a state of deep unconsciousness or sleep, typically due to extreme fatigue