了解“hit the sack”和“四十眨眼”等英语习语如何与英语中的睡眠相关。
to rest one's mind and body, with one's eyes closed
to get no sleep
to manage to get a full sleep without anyone or anything interrupting
to constlantly turn over to the sides due to having difficulty sleeping
to manage to get some sleep
sleeping so soundly that one cannot be easily awakened
a short, light nap or brief sleep taken to rest and regain energy
to start going to sleep
to get in bed for sleeping
someone who has a tendency to get up early every morning
used to tell someone it is time to get up and get out of bed
a person who has a tendency to sleep very late at night
used to refer to someone who is completely awake and conscious
(of a person) in a state of deep unconsciousness or sleep, typically due to extreme fatigue
to sleep very deeply