to propel and operate a bicycle or other pedal-powered vehicle

šlapat, pohánět pedály

to write or sign a personalized message or dedication, often signed, inside a book or another item intended as a gift to someone

vyryti, věnovat

to praise someone or something enthusiastically and often publicly

oslavovat, chválit

to behave in a way that lowers the dignity or respect of oneself or others

degradovat, ponižovat

to make up for a past offense or mistake by doing something good or beneficial

odčinit, napravit

to express one's discontent or dissatisfaction in an annoying manner

naříkat, stěžovat si

to turn pale, especially in response to fear, shock, or surprise

blednout, vyblednout

to pillage, plunder, or devastate a place or area through a sudden and violent attack

zpustošit, rabovat