to curse or condemn someone with great intensity or severity
proklínat, odsuzovat
to feel irritated, angry, or displeased about something
cítit zášť, nezávidět
to propel and operate a bicycle or other pedal-powered vehicle
šlapat, pohánět pedály
to write or sign a personalized message or dedication, often signed, inside a book or another item intended as a gift to someone
vyryti, věnovat
to praise someone or something enthusiastically and often publicly
oslavovat, chválit
to behave in a way that lowers the dignity or respect of oneself or others
degradovat, ponižovat
to make up for a past offense or mistake by doing something good or beneficial
odčinit, napravit
to cut something by striking it with an axe or similar tool
sekat, kácet
to express one's discontent or dissatisfaction in an annoying manner
naříkat, stěžovat si
to give birth to puppies or young dog
přivést na svět štěňata, porodit štěňata
to attach or fasten something to another object or surface
připevnit, uchytit
to strongly criticize someone for their actions or words
pokárat, napomenout
to waver or hesitate in making a decision or taking action
váhat, kolísat
to turn pale, especially in response to fear, shock, or surprise
blednout, vyblednout
to regard someone or something in a particular way
považovat, započítat
to pillage, plunder, or devastate a place or area through a sudden and violent attack
zpustošit, rabovat
to claim or suggest something, often falsely or without proof
tvrdit, námět