Základní Slovní Zásoba pro TOEFL - Jídlo a restaurace
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka o jídle a restauraci, jako je „bitter“, „super“, „stir“ atd., která jsou potřebná ke zkoušce TOEFL.
(of food, particularly cake and bread) not fresh anymore, due to exposure to air or prolonged storage

tvrdý, zvdý

(of food) having a firm, dry texture that makes a sharp, crunching sound when broken or bitten

křupavý, křupající

a dish that consists of eggs mixed together and cooked in a frying pan


a layer of food that is spread over the top of a dish to make it taste or look better

náplň, topping

a meal eaten in the evening, typically lighter than dinner and often the last meal of the day

večeře, soupere

a small dish that is eaten before the main part of a meal

předkrm, jednoduchá svačina

(of a restaurant, store, etc.) providing customers with the chance to serve themselves and then pay for it

samoslužba, systém samoobsluhy

a meal with many dishes from which people serve themselves at a table and then eat elsewhere

bufet, švédský stůl

a meal bought from a restaurant or store to be eaten somewhere else

jídlo s sebou, jídelna na cesty

an extra amount of food that is served with the main course, such as salad

příloha, vedlejší jídlo

a meal served late in the morning, as a combination of breakfast and lunch

brunch, snídaně-oběd

a method or style of cooking that is specific to a country or region

kuchyně, gastronomie

to move a spoon, etc. around in a liquid or other substance to completely mix it

míchat, stir

a sour liquid that is commonly used in cooking, cleaning, or to preserve food


a plant with seeds, leaves, or flowers used for cooking or medicine, such as mint and parsley

bylina, aromatická rostlina

the red or green fruit of a particular type of pepper plant, used in cooking for its hot taste

chillí, paprika

milk from which almost all the fat content has been removed

odtučněné mléko, mléko s nízkým obsahem tuku

a type of food similar to butter, made from vegetable oils or animal fats

margarín, rostlinný tuk

a type of fizzy water that can be mixed with other drinks such as gin or vodka
