B2-Wortliste - Cooking
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter zum Thema Kochen, wie „Rezept“, „Zutat“, „Beilage“ usw., vorbereitet für B2-Lernende.
the instructions on how to cook a certain food, including a list of the ingredients required

to cook food directly over or under high heat, typically on a metal tray

grillen, braten auf dem Grill

to soak food in a seasoned liquid, typically containing oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices, to enhance its flavor and softness before cooking

marinieren, einlegen

to cook food, especially fish, in a small amount of boiling water or another liquid

pochieren, sieden

to cook something, especially meat, over a fire or in an oven for an extended period

braten, rostern

to move a spoon, etc. around in a liquid or other substance to completely mix it

umrühren, mischen

an electrical device used to blend, mix, or puree food and liquids into a smooth consistency

a flat-bottomed pan with low sides and a long handle, typically used for frying and browning foods

Bratpfanne, Pfanne

a device or object used for combining ingredients together to achieve a certain texture

Mixer, Rührgerät

a bowl typically used in cooking and baking for combining ingredients

Mischschüssel, Rührschüssel

a slight amount of something one can hold between the index finger and thumb

eine Prise, ein Kniff

the amount that fills a cup, typically a standard measuring cup used in cooking and baking

Tasse, Füllung einer Tasse