Προχωρημένο Λεξιλόγιο για το TOEFL - Φαγητό και Εστιατόριο
Εδώ θα μάθετε μερικές αγγλικές λέξεις για το φαγητό και το εστιατόριο, όπως «halal», «veggie», «starch» κ.λπ. που χρειάζονται για τις εξετάσεις TOEFL.
a set of instructions given to someone regarding what they should eat or do to maintain or restore their health
the way that a certain type of food feels in one's mouth, whether it is hard, smooth, etc.
having a strong, sharp smell or taste that can be overpowering and somewhat unpleasant
a type of fungus capable of converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide, used in making alcoholic drinks and bread swell
a drink, particularly alcoholic, consumed before a meal to stimulate one's appetite
a dish of vegetables or meat cooked at a low temperature in liquid in a closed container
to leave food in a seasoned liquid, typically containing oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices, to enhance its flavor and tenderness before cooking
to crush something into small particles by rubbing or pressing it against a hard surface
to mix an egg yolk with its egg whites and then cook it, usually with milk or butter
a small appliance with a metal or ceramic surface used for cooking or reheating food