واژگان سطح پیشرفته برای TOEFL - غذا و رستوران
در اینجا چند لغت انگلیسی در مورد غذا و رستوران مانند حلال، گیاهی، نشاسته و غیره که برای آزمون تافل مورد نیاز است را یاد خواهید گرفت.
املای کلمه
having to do with the preparation, cooking, or presentation of food

مربوط به آشپزی, مربوط به پختوپز
a set of instructions given to someone regarding what they should eat or do to maintain or restore their health

رژیم, پرهیز خوراکی
the way that a certain type of food feels in one's mouth, whether it is hard, smooth, etc.

بافت (غذا و نوشیدنی), ترکیب
having a strong, sharp smell or taste that can be overpowering and somewhat unpleasant

تند (طعم یا بو)
food that contains little or no artificial substance and is considered healthy

غذای طبیعی, خوراک سالم و کامل
a type of fungus capable of converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide, used in making alcoholic drinks and bread swell

a drink, particularly alcoholic, consumed before a meal to stimulate one's appetite

نوشیدنی پیش از غذا (اشتهاآور)
a dish of vegetables or meat cooked at a low temperature in liquid in a closed container

to cook food, especially fish, in a small amount of boiling water or another liquid

آبپز کردن
to leave food in a seasoned liquid, typically containing oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices, to enhance its flavor and tenderness before cooking

در چاشنی خواباندن
to crush something into small particles by rubbing or pressing it against a hard surface

کوبیدن, ساییدن
to cause something frozen become warmer to melt away the ice or frost

یخ چیزی را آب کردن
to mix an egg yolk with its egg whites and then cook it, usually with milk or butter

همزدن سفیده و زرده تخممرغ
to have dinner in a restaurant or at someone else's home

بیرون غذا خوردن, در رستوران غذا خوردن
a bag for taking home one's leftover food in a restaurant

ظرف یکبارمصرف (برای بردن اضافهغذا از رستوران)
a small appliance with a metal or ceramic surface used for cooking or reheating food

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