Personalidad - Hábil e inteligente
Descubra cómo modismos en inglés como "sé rápido en la comprensión" y "chispa brillante" se relacionan con ser hábil e inteligente en inglés.
Tarjetas de memoria
used to refer to someone who has a good judgment and is intelligent enough to make wise decisions
used to refer to someone who is very intelligent and is able to think and decide very quickly
used to refer to someone who is intelligent or sharp enough to quickly understand things
to be born with or naturally posses a particular talent or ability
a person's natural talent or ability to make plants grow efficiently

mano verde, dedos verdes

someone who possesses great wisdom and good judgment, often referred to old people

búho sabio, sabelotodo

used to refer to someone who is exceptionally knowledgeable and has a good sense of judgment
an educated person who has extensive knowledge on a subject through reading and studying

erudito, sabio