
Personalidad - Sin sentido o incómodo

Explore modismos en inglés que se relacionan con no tener sentido o ser incómodo con ejemplos como "tener dos pies izquierdos" y "el extraño".




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English idioms related to Personality
to need (to have) one's head examined

to act or behave in a very crazy and uncontrollable manner

loco y fuera de control

loco y fuera de control

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out to lunch

completely unaware of what is happening in one's surroundings

alguien que está completamente distraído

alguien que está completamente distraído

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space cadet

a person who is perceived as being absent-minded or out of touch with reality

completamente inconsciente de su entorno

completamente inconsciente de su entorno

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to have two left feet

to move clumsily and awkwardly, particularly when one dances

siendo torpe

siendo torpe

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to be all thumbs

to act in a very clumsy or awkward manner

siendo muy torpe

siendo muy torpe

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to have a screw loose

to behave in a crazy and uncontrollable manner

Estar loco

Estar loco

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a square peg (in a round hole)

a person or thing that does not fit the current situation or position they are in

una clavija cuadrada en un agujero redondo

una clavija cuadrada en un agujero redondo

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the odd one out

someone or something that is different from other people or things of its kind

diferente a otros

diferente a otros

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(as) queer as Dick's hatband

used to describe someone or something that is extremely bizarre and abnormal

extraño y raro

extraño y raro

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to live on another planet

to behave or think in a way that is completely detached from reality or out of touch with norms of the society

vivir en otro planeta

vivir en otro planeta

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